... -offender/

Yet another horrific crime committed by an illegal alien is sanitized by the mainstream media. As if the rape of a twelve year-old girl were not outrageous enough, the coverage that the local Fox affiliate has given to to this crime is enough to make your blood boil.

Instead of highlighting the relevant portion of this story, i.e. that Juan Carlos Amaya entered this country from El Salvador illegally, and that the U.S. government did absolutely nothing to deport him in the many years that he was living on Long Island, the reporter chose to describe this young girl’s attacker as a church youth group leader.

One of the reasons we’ve had such a difficult time deporting these criminals in the first place is because of the indifference of the mainstream media, which has steadfastly refused to highlight the incomprehensible human cost of illegal immigration. The journalists who cover this issue in such a blase manner, praising the work of people who are breaking this nation’s laws, are unwitting accomplices in the crimes they commit while they evade law enforcement’s reach in plain sight.