My reply to him (I posted as reply to the thread but wanted whoever did not get to see it to readit, and feel free to copy/paste and send on to your gvmt official/elected rep/columnists/letter to editor:

Cherokee ordinance the wave of the future

Oddly enough, I am thinking of moving to Georgia because of their tough stance on immigration. I want to live in a place I feel welcome and comfortable, to be able to go to the grocery and ask a stranger for the time or say a polite “excuse me” and be understood, not looked at snidely, as I get from the illegals who have no idea what I am saying. I want to not have my blood boil as a foreigner rudely asks the Wal mart cashier “Don’t you speak Spanish?” when the American is trying to help her with her purchase. I want to enter a convenience store where I understand what the large group of foreign men are saying, not wondering if they are planning to rob it while shouting harshly to each other in their language.
I want to sit outside at night and have my neighbors walk by, stopping to chat about the price of fescue seed and the weather…not feeling depressed as across the street, fifteen junker cars with out of state tags circle a small home where almost twice the number of people live, hearing the loud shouts of unfamiliar language or discourtesy of the too-loud amplified Latino music, and watching the grown men urinate off of the front porch. I also want the homes in my area take pride, (as I do in my yard) and clean the trash and beer cans from the front, and not fly the Mexican flag. I want my kid to ride the bus and not feel like a stranger in his town and his country, as the foreign born children all speak Spanish and intentionally look at him and the other American kids and laugh because they do not understand the words but know they are making fun of them, and the Latino bus driver encourages the divisiveness while joining in. I want a public school system that promotes America and its history instead of “celebrating diversity” with pushing the Mexican agenda by learning Mexican culture and history. I want me 6 year old neice to be able to count to 20 in English…not Spanish as she showed us at Thanksgiving dinner, while still not knowing how to count to 20 in English.
There are so many other things I want in my hometown that Georgia seems to offer with its new laws. I feel as if I am drowning in another culture and losing my America, my roots and my culture. If I can find a small corner in my country that still feels pride in its heritage and wants to keep it, I will pack tomorrow and bring my business with me. Yes Georgia IS on my mind.