This is my E-mail to a news article we had on Alipac about AG'S Job bill a while back. His reply to me and I just replied back. Thought you might enjoy it and even send a comment to him if you like.

Felix's article was for the AG'S bill and a never ending supply of ag workers with a path to citizenship.

Subject: AG JOBS
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2007 09:11:27 -0700

Dear Sir,

There is a simple solution to the problem of ag workers that most Americans would not have a problem with. Give them and AG card so they can come here and work in the Ag business only and legally, If there is no work they go home and not into other industries like construction ect.

The Ag businesses have been creating a back door for years for illegal aliens, if you are serious about needing workers then do it right, because we the people are fed up with our towns and states being over run with illegals. It is not the job of the American taxpayer to care for Mexico's poor or provide cheap labor for corporations. If you need workers get serious about it and give the American people something that shows your are protecting U.S. citizens first!!

No path to citizenship or legality, I am sure these people are thankful for the work, STOP trying to give citizenship away as if it has no value.

Deleted (SOSAD)
Coeur d'Alene Idaho

Reply from Felix Negron

Thank you for your comment. I do agree with you, the problem with illegal immigration is serious and it does require some serious fix, but to blame the AG industry for "creating a back door for years for illegal aliens" is far from accurate. The U.S. government created the back door, and when it came time to fix it our Goverment has done nothing and continues to do nothing!

Your statement "if you are serious about needing workers then do it right" if "You" means the U.S. Government, then yes, you're absolutely correct! I doubt towns and States are being over run by illegals and I don't share in "the sky is falling" theory.

"We the people" are more than tired of bad Government, a Government that is polarized by partisan politics and bad mistakes, a goverment that continues to rack up the national deficit, and continues to ignore the "we the people" You are correct it's not the job of the taxpayer to care for Mexico's poor and some major corporations go seek the cheap labor, not the other way around.

I'm not clear on what you mean by "If you need workers get serious about it and give the American people something that shows your are protecting U.S. citizens first!!" I don't see the connection between AG undocumented farm laborers and U.S. security. If you mean that if our Government needs to get serious about who enters through our borders and to provide better security that could stop those who seek to harm America, then yes, we're on the same page. The 9/11 terrorists entered the US legally.

You charge that I support free citizenship is unfair but I think I know what you mean and I agree.

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment, I'm just as concerned as you are about the immigration issue today. I encourage you to write your representatives in Congress about the way you feel and If you don't feel they are representing your interests as a Citizen, VOTE THEM OUT! Regards,


My Reply

Dear Felix,

How many of the 20 million Illegals do you think have come in here, start out doing Ag work and leave it to go into other industries? If this is not fixed there will continue to be a never ending need for AG workers and the problem for AG workers will never be solved, and every year the same farmers will be crying for workers. It is a back door that encourages illegal activity and is a huge problem. Give them a card to work legally in the AG field and they will stay there.

I do not fall for the theory that these illegals are doing jobs Americans will not do, everyday I hear of construction workers trying to compete and not very successfully with the cheap labor caused by illegal immigration, this has caused many Americans to lose there jobs, homes and quality of life.( I use construction only as an example) because it is not the only occupation that has been affected.

We already let more legal immigrants in this country in one year than the rest of the world , we must have some control on this or we will become a third world nation ourselves.

Towns and states are being over run, and the burden is on the taxpayer, our schools for our children, built with our money are so over crowded it is our children's education that is at peril.

Our hospitals are closing down because they are going broke, our jails are full, The cost of the Border and Law enforcement is costing the American taxpayers billions of $$$$.Crime is completely out of hand and our country is in chaos and anarchy.

Thank you for replying to my comments!!

Best Regards,