There have been some different ideas about how to get employers to hire Americans instead of illegals. We know our government doesn't have enough Immigration officers to check every business in America, and they don't seem to be checking any businesses anyway, so we can't rely on them to solve the problem.

There's a website or two where you can report businesses who hire illegals, but it's hard to get people to check a website before they buy something, and there's no guarantee that the store you're looking at has been reported if they do have illegals working there.

There have been some boycott lists made up, but I don't think boycotts work very well, and anyway the lists are all spread out and hard for people to find.

Americans are overwhelmingly opposed to allowing illegals to work in this country. But so far we've been unable to organize a large response to the demonstrations by the illegals. In fact, I read an article by one of the organizers of the illegal marches that said they could get thousands of people to come to their marches, while we could only get a couple of hundred people to show up on a good day. So I had an idea about a different approach.

This would be a setup something like the Better Business Bureau. Any business that refuses to hire illegal aliens as employees could display an icon on their business cards, advertising, and storefronts to inform customers that they are proudly free of illegal alien employees. As people start seeing the illegal-free graphics more and more and start finding out what they mean, they will support the effort and begin to ask other businesses why they don't also display the same graphic on their stores. The graphic for the business cards and advertisements could look something like this:

And the graphic to display on the storefront would look like this:

The first graphic could even be made into a button or a lapel pin that could be worn as a kind of solidarity badge. I can't think of a better website to coordinate this effort than ALIPAC. I feel certain that most Americans would support an effort to keep illegals from taking American jobs, but they don't think they have the power to make a difference. With this kind of program, each one of us could make a difference every time we buy something. The merchants who won't tell customers that they have no illegal alien employees will soon find that they can't sell their products or services to Americans, and they will be forced to get rid of the illegals and employ Americans as they should. And as this program catches on across the country, the illegals will find it harder and harder to get a job, and they will be forced to go back to their own countries.

Americans want to join something like the “I’m Mad as Hell and I’m Not Gonna Take it Anymore!” coalition to stop illegal immigration, but there's no easy way for an individual person to do anything to solve the overall problem. This program allows each American to make a small difference, and with three hundred million of us working together, we can solve the problem on our own.

I suppose there's a fatal flaw somewhere in this idea but I haven't been able to find it yet. Maybe someone smarter than I am can set me straight. Or maybe this is something that could actually work. I would appreciate any constructive criticism, and don't be afraid of hurting feelings because we're all here for the same purpose.