
Here we go again with promises instead of actions! The sad truth is, Obamacare is a perfect example to show the Republican Party leadership is full of crap and works hand in clove with the progressives to enslave the American people and subvert our constitutionally limited system of government.

Take for example the Republican State AG’s who have taken Obamacare to court. Instead of filing in the Supreme Court which has original jurisdiction in the case, they filed in district court. In addition, they have not, to the best of my knowledge file for an injunction to stop the implementation of Obamacare while the case is being litigated. Why is all this important? Because not filing for an injunction to stop the implementation of Obamacare while the case is being litigated, and not filing in the Supreme Court which has ultimate authority to determine the constitutionality of Obamacare, buys time to allow major portions of Obamacare to be implemented, creating an irreversible situation when the case finally gets to the S.C., and, at that time there will be less outcry by the people if Obamacare is upheld because the people will have begrudgingly adopted to the mandates of this tyrannical act.

Something fowl is afoot and the American people are being conned once again!

When will the American People wake up to the slithering snakes in the Republican Party Leadership?


Health care by consent of the governed (Article 5) our amendment process --- tyranny by a PROGRESSIVE majority vote in Congress!