Lou Dobbs Tonight -- CNN -- May 26
Sensenbrenner: The president dispatched Karl Rove, guru- in- chief up there, to the Republican conference both this week and last week. And I didn't attend either of those conferences, because I didn't want to be accused of putting my colleagues up to asking very pointed questions in a loud voice to the president's chief political adviser.

If the R party is not the driving force behind amnesty then why don't the R party bosses let R congressman represent their constiruents that elected them? Why all the arm-twisting? I already know the answer. The R party wants amnesty. So does the D party. But the R party don't want to have to pay the price on election day.The botom line is they both want amnesty but only the majority party can make that happen. The D wants amnesty but they can not pass it by themselves. Amnesty can not pass unless the majority R party wants it to pass. The price of amnesty should be loss of the R majority. People are understanding this when you break it down for them. Voting against individuals instead of the party at large is walking into Bush's trap because he will use mostly D and some safe seat R. The PRICE of amnesty should be loss of the R majority and as such if amnesty becomes law I will vote against every R on the ballot on election day 2006.