SEE:White House and Boehner Close In on Budget Deal
Oct. 26, 2015

”WASHINGTON—The White House and Speaker John Boehner(R., Ohio) Monday were nearing a deal on a two-year budget plan that would also increase the federal debt limit, according to people familiar with the discussions.”

But there is something even more sinister about this deal which is the two year budget cycle.

What these conniving con artists are intending [Republicans and Democrat big spending, deficit increasing members of Congress] because they lost so many seats during the last election is to some what insulate themselves from being held accountable for increasing the national debt on a yearly basis and squandering our money. The two year cycle is intended to remove the yearly pressure they get for increasing the national debt limit, and then moving the time when they increase the debt limit to immediately after an election so the people’s outrage will be forgotten after two years when the next election comes up.

Any Republican who votes for this deal needs to be primaried and kicked out of Congress for attempting to hoodwink the American People who are tired of increasing the national debt every year, instead of cutting the free cheese programs, especially those which pay for the economic needs of tens of millions of foreigners who have invaded our borders.


To support Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House is to support our Global Governance Crowd and their FAST TRACK, WTO, NAFTA, GATT,CAFTA, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal, all used to circumvent America First trade policies, while fattening the fortunes of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation.