The problem with the Republican Party nationally and even here in California is the "big government" concept, this will never work with out being a socialist Nation or Union (NAU, N&SAU)!

People are not stupid whether white, black, hispanic... the Republicans can not demand big government military unconstitutional intervention with no bid contracts for "their" buddies. People know the corrupt have started a war with a country that is no threat to our nation just so their buddies will have contracts paid with our tax dollars and the people will rather vote for socialist so the money is used here for them, not that I agree just what I'm hearing from people I talk too! Unbiased people, who are neither conservative or liberal think this way!

Conservatives who care will be joining other parties because we know that this is not about "a" or "the" party in fact some like me believe we should not have parties just issues. In result no gang like mentality when we go to vote!