August 2, 2007

Thank you for contacting me regarding your opposition to Senate Bill 65,
the California Dream Act. I value your opinion and appreciate the
opportunity to respond.

SB 65, if enacted would amend the Education Code to allow for illegal
immigrants to receive in-state college tuition at a California Community
College or University just by attending only 1 year of high school in
combination with 2 or more years at any technical or adult high school.

Additionally, any person, legal or illegal that meets the above
requirements would also be eligible to apply and participate in any
student financial aid programs administered by the State of California.

As your state representative, you will be happy to know that I am
completely opposed to this bill. Giving handouts to those who ignore our
laws and take advantage of privileges that are meant for law-abiding
citizens is not acceptable. In fact, I authored a bill last year, AB
2053 that would have mandated all students at Community Colleges
demonstrate legal residency in order to receive in-state tuition.
Unfortunately, this bill was held in committee.

Should SB 65 come before the full Assembly for a vote, it will not have
my support.

Again, thank you for taking the time to inform me of your opinion of
Senate Bill 65. If you ever have any other questions or concerns on
this or any other state issue, please do not hesitate to contact my
office at (805) 230-9167.

As always, it is an honor to serve you in the State Assembly.


Audra Strickland
Assemblymember 37th District