January 14, 2010

Close The Schools And Dump Criminal Aliens On Obama’s Doorstep!—My Suggestions To End Arizona’s Budget Crisis

By Rob Sanchez

Arizona is getting off to a very bad start in 2010. It is flat broke. Drastic actions are necessary to save the state from total fiscal collapse. Governor Janice K. Brewer has actually dared mention the unmentionable: doing something about the costs of illegal immigration.

Warnings of impending disaster came on the first day of 2010. Tucson News Channel 13 had the dire news (there is a video report also):

“A massive education payment is expected to drain state resources down to zero. What happens next will affect anyone who works for or with state government. It’s what happens when you run out of money. You can’t pay your bills."[Arizona could be weeks away from going broke, Jan 01, 2010, by Barbara Grijalva]

Blogger and radio host Dave Levine wasn’t impressed with the Ch13 news article because it evaded the illegal immigration issue. Levine fired back with this:

“This is a whitewash! I don’t mean the title of the story or the fact that a bankrupt Arizona is imminent. I mean, the writer—who may very well be related to pro-illegal alien activist Congressman Raul Grijalva—doesn’t even mention the words ‘illegal aliens’ when talking about Arizona’s impending bankruptcy. As many law and order conservatives know, only a portion of the 30 to 40 million illegal aliens [VDARE.com note: We think Levine's guess at the number is too high, but most such guesses are too low.] in the U.S. pay state and Federal taxes. Why? Because many of them work under the table.â€