I just got out of church and drove by the neighborhood car wash. i wanted a car wash, but hesitated to go in. i wondered to myself whether some of the polishers were illegal (they are, for the most part Hispanic). so instead of driving in, i went home and called information to get their phone number.

the 411 service kindly connected me and i stated that i was a previously satisfied customer and was in need of a wash. i then politely asked the nice receptionist if there were any illegal aliens employeed there. she hesitated at first, no doubt she doesn't get asked that question all that often.

She then said "no, we don't, and furthermore we would never do such a thing." i thanked her for her time and said i would be right in.

What just happened? i got my point across, politely, and respectfully, while assuring myself that i wasn't supporting illegal aliens with my money.

No doubt that receptionist will mention this call to her supervisor, among others, that maybe hiring illegals might not be a good idea.

Note to self: from now on when i wish to purchase a product or service, i will enquire as to whether said product or service is owned, operated or relies upon illegal aliens for it's labor. perhaps, some of these business's would catch on quick that relying on illegal labor does in fact have consequences other than giving them an unfair advantage over their competitors who are operating under the law.

"Perhaps we do have a voice after all
." what if we start asking; and then hundreds of thousands of potential customers started asking (politely of course) whether the business or company they were considering patronizing is employing illegal aliens?

Simple question. simple answer. yes, or no.

Nothing get's the attention of a business or company more, than the thought of missing a sale (it's makes them bonkers.) (trust me on this one. i've been a commissioned salesperson for most of my life.)

EX: "with all due respect, do you hire illegal aliens?" there. that wasn't so hard, was it?

Say no to giant missile parades. i'm off to the carwash.

have a nice day