By John W. Lillpop

American patriots engaged in the war against the invasion of American by third world illegal aliens have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, including:

* Growing public awareness of the invasion crisis and public outrage over the
fact that upwards of 38 million illegal aliens are already in America.

* Defeat of amnesty and "Dream Act" legislation on multiple occasions in the U.S. Senate.

* Enactment of Oklahoma's tough new anti-illegal alien laws, and similar measures in state and local jurisdictions all across the nation.

* Implosion of Governor Eliot Spitzer as a result of his idiotic attempt to grant driver's license to illegal aliens.

* Hillary Clinton's reversal on driver's licenses based on the same public outrage that caused Eliot Spitzer to finally see sense.

Most of all, we should be grateful for the arrest and arraignment of Osvaldo Aldrete Davila.

Davila is the Mexican vermin who was instrumental in the prosecution of American heroes Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean because the Bush administration stupidly accepted the word of an illegal alien drug smuggler over that of border patrol agents.

Davila's drugs smuggling days appear to be over, another blessing to give thanks for.

President Bush can add to the Thanksgiving glow by reversing a grave miscarriage of justice heaped upon Messrs. Ramos and Compean.

Specifically, the president should issue a full and unconditional pardon to Ramos and Compean, and release these patriots to their families in time for Thanksgiving.

Additionally, the two should be reinstated to their positions as Border Patrol agents, and be reimbursed for each and every dime of lost pay while they were victimized for doing their jobs.

While GW Bush has an affinity for favoring illegal aliens over American citizens, an exception should be made in the case of Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean.

After all, Mr. President, they were doing that which you steadfastly refuse to do: Namely, defend America from invading criminals.

Free Ramos and Compean so they can spend Thanksgiving with their families!