Team Johnson,

Does Ron support allowing illegals not caught for other crimes to remain in the US to become voters thus replacing millions of conservative Americans at the ballot box and destroying the borders of the US forever?

Please let us know.

William Gheen
Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll Free: (866) 703-0864
FEC ID: C00405878

Ron Johnson Campaign wrote:
> To Whom It May Concern,
> Thank you for contacting the Ron Johnson for Senate campaign with your input and suggestions related to surveys on immigration. We appreciate your input and suggestions.
> As you may know, Ron receives many legislative surveys. On immigration, Ron believes the first step to ending illegal immigration must be securing our borders and, for the purposes of security, the federal government should make this a high priority. Then, he believes we should focus on eliminating incentives for illegal aliens already in our country to remain here. Ron is also supportive of sanctions for employers who, even if provided the proper enforcement tools, ignore our immigration laws. Ron strongly opposes blanket amnesty and supports the deportation of illegal aliens engaged in criminal activity.
> Ron also supports the Arizona immigration law. Ron knows Arizona took this step because the federal government has failed to protect its citizens. The federal government needs to adequately protect our borders and ensure employers aren’t hiring illegal workers.
> You can find issue updates on immigration here: ... migration/.
> As a lifelong businessman, not a career politician, Ron is working hard to meet as many people in Wisconsin and communicate his message of smaller government, fiscal responsibility, and an economic growth agenda. There will continue to be news releases, articles, issue proposals, and videos posted online as the campaign continues. You can find it all here at The feedback you have provided is helpful as Ron listens to citizens about what they want in Wisconsin's next U.S. Senator.
> -Team Johnson