"Gun Grabbers Are Grabbing at Straws"


The great gun debate disconnect… In the bloody wake of the Navy Yard shootings, desperate gun grabbers are grabbing at straws.

A terrible event - a mass murder on a U.S. military base - committed apparently by a terribly disturbed, possibly delusional, voices-in-his-head, video-game-obsessed crackpot. And now the predictable calls on the left for stricter gun control - tighter background checks - even though there's virtually no evidence that what the gun grabbers are proposing would have deterred the killer or prevented the killings.

It's kind of like making this argument… Those awful, deadly floods that ravaged parts of Colorado, destroying property, killing people - something must be done - so, let's have a background check on everyone who lives or works near water to make sure they can swim. Alright, maybe that's an imperfect analogy, but the point is this - most gun-control proposals fired up in the emotional wake of a mass shooting usually suggest regulations or restrictions related loosely, if at all, to the cause of the crime.

Raw emotions, good intentions, knee-jerk impulses, political maneuverings tend to rule the day. And on a day gone by when Obama had more sway, more clout, more pied-piper pull, the cry for more gun restrictions might have been more effective. But, Obama has recently been weakened, with Syria especially, his get-it-done mojo has faded, considerably.

So even staunch anti-Second-Amendment gun grabbers in Congress are indicating that new gun control bills will likely go nowhere, even as the Navy Yard shootings remain fresh in our minds and hearts.

Still, there are fresh moves to limit gun rights, even in states with strong open-carry laws. Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, has posted a request to his "fellow Americans" asking that people not bring guns into Starbucks…not even onto their outdoor patio areas. Not an outright ban yet, but a "respectful" request to leave the firearms at home.