A GOP in Melt-down; How a Ron Paul - Bob Barr LP Ticket Could Go All the Way !

With a Gop Convention on the verge of it's own 1968 melt-down. How two bona fide small government Conservatives, Paul/Barr, could outflank the corrupt big government Republicans, advance the freedom movement and capture the White House.
by Paul Farris
Monday, May 12, 2008
With just days remaining before the opening gavel of the 2008 Libertarian Presidential Nominating Convention, 22-26 May, in Denver, will strategic thinking and bold action prevail to make this the year of liberty's dramatic and long-overdue renewal in America? There is an outside chance. And if the liberty and freedom movement can swing into action during the next several days, a political tsunami could be unleashed that would wash the corrupt neo-con Gop straight out to sea and put the prospect of liberty and true constitutional government front and center like never before in the modern era.

Consider for one moment the prospect of a current and a former Republican congressman, running together on the same LP ticket for the two highest offices in the land. 1) Mr. Paul, presently serving in the Republican party but also a life-time member of the LP, would be a presidential candidate with considerable name recognition; a soaring best-selling book; a hundred-thousand hard-core volunteers waiting in the wings to hit the street campaigning; devoted volunteers who gave Paul the record for the most money raised on the internet in a 24-hour period; and who sits on a bank account of about $5 million that could grow by a factor of twenty once he announces. 2) Mr. Barr, as vice-presidential candidate and a rising advocate of the liberty movement and now Libertarian Party member, who already has solid name recognition, a former US proscecutor, held in high-esteem by the conservative base for leading the committee that won the impeachment of a sitting president, one William Jefferson Clinton.

Running against the likes of Mr. Compromise himself, one John McCain, a Paul/Barr ticket could potentially out-fundraise McCain, and wind up capturing more votes from the republican base, an increasingly restless and fed-up lot, and gain enthusiastic support as well from liberty-minded democratic cross-overs.

We know, for sure, at this moment, that the sector of the republican base and some democrats, composed of language, culture, and secure borders conservatives, who subscribe to the well respected NumbersUSA and Alipac, who at present have absolutely no dog in this fight. They would soon realize that a Paul/Barr ticket would give them much more than they can get from open borders McBama or McClinton. There would simply be no comparison. As long as the LP purists, so often in attendance at the conventions, can hold their noses and realize that legal immigration is so vitally key, that with a favorite son like Ron Paul, it is off to the races and the White House is the limit.

Importantly, a Paul/Barr ticket in no fundamental way conflicts with the brush-fire Paul has ignited in those staunch supporters who are attempting to reform the Republican party from the grassroots up. Indeed, a Paul/Barr ticket compliments and enhances the power of the grassroots to change the direction of the party and accelerate the fall of the neo-conservatives. Perhaps any sane remaining RNC leaders will come to their senses and follow the LP and nominate Paul/Barr at their convention as well.

For Paul, it has always been about principle over party and this view has endeared him to civil libertarians, the freedom-minded and small government adhearents of every stripe. And this is what makes a Paul/Barr ticket so interesting. Hugely important issues such as the ever burgeoning police state; the world's leading per capita incarceration rates; a disasterous drug war; an out-of-control tax system that threatens the well-being of all Americans, these issues and more would finally get a hearing on the national airwaves. Millions more people will be converted to the freedom message!

A clear and distinct alternative to the great compromiser, John McCain, Paul/Barr would draw incredible interest from all corners of the political spectrum. That interest would be translated into the polls and virtually assure that Paul/Barr would be in the world televised national debates. Who wants to contemplate or who would want to risk the two, McBama or McClinton, debating the future of this country? Perish the thought!

Friends, this is not idle chatter. This is real power politics with a freedom movement that will have a wind at its back like no other time in recent memory. The neocons, along with the rest of the country, are reeling from the long national nightmare of Bush/Cheney. Either we act now to boldly get into the presidential race and influence and rally countless millions with the awe-inspiring message of freedom, hope and liberty, or we all must accept responsibility for the consequences of refusing to act. We know down deep in our hearts, we are at the singular historic moment where freedom must well up in righteous indignation, for the future of freedom itself is at stake.

For a Ron Paul - Bob Barr ticket to come about will require yeoman's work from all quarters of the freedom movement. It took arm-twisting to get Ron Paul into the battle in early 2007. We must insist one more time to get him into this pivotal election. By the time the debates roll around with McBama or McClinton, you will wish you had taken action in May 2008. So take action now! This is an emergency! Freedom itself, nay, the very republic, hangs in the balance!

Spread the word!

Call the Ron Paul election headquarters at (703) 248 -9115.

Call Ron Paul's Washington Congressional Offices at (202)225-2831.

Call Bob Barr (770) 836-1776 and (703) 548-1160

Call your liberty minded friends and contacts and have them call.
