Is Ron Paul Goldwater’s Heir?
A couple of days ago I read this column by John Derbyshire for National Review Online, which he wrote little over a week ago. In it, the conservative columnist endorses Ron Paul, arguing that the time has come for Libertarianism to be

One of the main reasons that Derbyshire endorses Paul is that the government has become increasingly bigger, with even the Vice President having a gigantic staff. In fact, Dick Cheney’s staff is so big that implementedDerbyshire decided that it would be useful for him to do some research as to find out how many advisers and staff Cheney exactly has. Soon, however, he ran into a brick wall. There is, Derbyshire writes, simply no way to find out how big Cheney’s staff exactly is.

Not only that, however, not only does Cheney have a gigantic staff, he also has a lot of power (power which the Constitution doesn’t grand the VP).

To make matters even worse, not only does Cheney himself have a staff, his wife has one as well. “Where is that in the Constitution?â€