For those of you who would be interested in helping Ron get some media exposure here's what you can do. I contacted his people yesterday and here is their suggestion:

Thank you for your interest in the Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign Committee (PCC) and in Ron Paul candidacy for President.

We appreciate your sharing Ron's views through different websites and the internet.

Please visit our new website at to join us, contribute and help spread the word to ten or more friends. These are the three (3) most important actions you can take to get Ron elected!

Encourage other supporters of Ron Paul to take the same three steps. We need to raise enough money so that he can get mainstream media exposure.

Best wishes,
Ron Paul 2008 PCC

I'm compiling a list of 10 people and suggest everyone do the same. Just think of the amount of people we could reach. And for those who still have doubts about Ron Paul, please read one of his articles that I posted the other day: ... ic&t=57427

I'm going to include some excerpts from this article when I email my 10 people. If this article doesn't get you motivated to help get this man heard by more Americans, I don't know what will! Good luck and thanks!