How does one tell if they are Conservative or Liberal? I will give you some examples of what I believe in, and maybe someone can tell me which I am. I was like most Americans and only paid attention to one or two issues that would affect my life after the elections. But now I can see there is so much more in deciding who to vote for. So here goes:

1. Pro Life - Anti Abortion
2. Pro Gun, I'm all for the 2nd Amendment
3. Do not approve of gay marriges or gay rights period
4. I am definately under $12,000 a year income
5. I'm caucassion and 46 years old
6. I am Christian (Protestant)
7. I am a supporter of SB 1070
8. I would like to see a smaller federal government
9. I would like to see politicians retirements merged with the publics social security.
10. Against casino gambling
11. Legalize "POT"!! ( I don;t smoke myself,but I know the federal govt. will go crazy trying to enforce tax on it!)
12. Actually I ran out of things to list on # 11 !!!! lol
I believe I am independant, not realy for or against the (R)'s or (D)'s.
Is this enough to have someone tell me which way I tend to lean? Left, Right, Conservative or Liberal? Thanks in advance everyone. BigMike