By: dunk145 (Diary) |

November 3rd, 2015 at 08:32 AM |

In a recent segment on MSNBC, Melissa Harris-Perry called out a guest for uttering the phrase “Hard Work”, comparing the phrase to slavery. Her contention was that using phrases such as “hard work” evoked memories of a dark period in the world’s history where slavery was an accepted practice. Slave owners bought the slaves and perpetuated the practice through wealth and political power. Slaves were forced to remain on the plantation and stiff penalties were invoked if one generated the courage to attempt a break from it. The family structure was dismembered, often separating mothers and fathers from their children. Slaves were forced and conditioned to rely wholly on the benevolence of their masters for their every need. Those who were able to break free were often some of the most successful people whose contributions to the cause of abolition could not be discounted. Does this all sound hauntingly familiar?

It was George Santayana said “Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it. We in this country are seeing ”Deja vu all over again” in the form of modern day slavery. Today, we’re seeing an exodus of Americans, (as well as a large number of illegal immigrants), willfully running toward slavery clamoring to be the next in line for the chains.

The slavery that I’m referring to is that of entitlement. Americans have been skillfully and incrementally conditioned to expect many things of which we should have no such expectation. We, as a society have come to expect such things as public education, welfare, social security, food and many other “rights” that have been graciously granted to us by our government over the years.

If our society were to be looked upon as it is today by one of our rugged forbearers from two hundred years ago, they would most likely be appalled at the amount of reliance we look to our government for these days. We have become willing slaves to our nation’s leaders by looking to them to right all of society’s wrongs through legislation and outright coercion. If that doesn’t work, then peer pressure is applied to affect changes in society that no amount of legislation could ever achieve, at which time it is solidified through the legislative process.

The tenth amendment states that “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.” This means that any government intrusion into the rights “endowed by our creator” have been initiated in opposition to the Constitution of the United States. We have become accustomed to the axiom penned by Louis Blanc so long ago, “From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.” Where is the rugged individualism that initially formed this great country? Where is the outrage when another entitlement is granted that forcefully takes from those who have and freely rewards those who want absent the power to resist?

Forced benevolence is really nothing more than the wolf of theft in the sheep’s clothing of the welfare state. The Bible tells us “For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.”

If we continue down this path toward complete and utter reliance upon our government for our very well-being, we will achieve the kind of communist elitism that so enlivens those such as Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and others of their ilk on the other side of the aisle such asRep. John Boehner (R-OH) N/A% and Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) 54%. This is not a simply a Republican/Democrat issue here. There are just as many on both sides of the isle that are guilty of countering the precepts of the Constitution and more than a few willing co-conspirators in the courts.

That is why this election cycle is so important. We need to take our country back and return to the paradigm that made our country the greatest nation in the world. We cannot sit idly by and watch this nation is in a downward spiral toward the precipice of a fiscal entitlement cliff from which there will soon be no return. Nearly fifty percent of Americans today are reliant on the benevolence of the federal or state government in one form or another. It has been said that a democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. While it seems that no one is quite sure who first uttered the phrase, the inherent wisdom contained therein cannot be denied. If we reach this tipping point, Greece will pale by comparison.

What about those who have escaped the grip of government dependency? How are they viewed in the light of modern astuteness? Our country is replete with modern day examples of escape from this cancerous cycle. Henry Ford, Star Parker and Ben Carson are well-known figures that were raised in poverty but refused to allow the “system” to ensnare them. There are, however, many other names of anonymous multitudes such as Barbara Morrison, the author of “Innocent: The Confessions of a Welfare Mother” who namelessly go on with their lives as an example to others. Their determination and hard work is something that those of the Melissa Harris-Perry ilk will never begin to fathom. They point fingers and resort to name calling at the thought that a poor person could actually claw their way out of governmental dependence through sheer will and effort. Successful conservative minorities are vilified by the press while a legion of class warfare addicts are paraded before the American public to shame them for being so oppressive to those who are supposedly trapped in their dependency cycle.

Lest you think that this is coming from one who uses his “white privilege” to demean others, I was raised on a rural farm which we did not own. We bought our clothes at the equivalent of the modern day “Dollar Store” or the local Goodwill Store. I never looked upon my life at the time as anything but fulfilling and I look in remembrance upon my parents with loving fondness. However, when I joined the military, I never looked back. I married and raised three fantastic girls and while I’m not rich, I live comfortably. Not bad for a kid from Ohio who was once called a “slob” by a teacher who lacked compassion as well as the good sense to know that poor does not equate to unclean. If she could have seen beyond the outer garments, she would have seen a child who had the potential to rise above his station if given the proper motivation. That is what we lack in this country; proper motivation. Until we stand and say “Enough”, we’ll continue to feed and clothe those who curse the very hand that provides for them. It is true that this country can be great again if only we are but willing to once again raise the banner: “A hand up not a hand out”!
