Ok, here is some rumor control.

I understand that there are rumors flying about a hack at SOS and several allied websites going down or being hacked today. Our site is also having some trouble but everyone should keep in mind that some days the whole Internet has trouble.

While sharing information and concerns is important, do not let it distract you from our goals.

We need everyone, and I mean everyone here on the phones and sending out e-mails to GA NOW! We must score a big win in GA Friday to help us with next weeks battle.

As for next week, we all know what is coming on the 27th. Keep up your opposition go Guest Worker calls and I will have some very special information to help you over the weekend.

We need everyone to stay focused.

We need everyone emailing and calling on these efforts.

If the ALIPAC website has trouble, we will rendevous via the forums at LAIR at www.latinoamericans.org

If something very critical happens to the ALIPAC website, remember that we can still reach all you that are on our e-mail alerts list.

We also have the mailing addresses of all of our contributors.

Do not let bumps in the road with our website or other websites bother you.

We have a job to do people. Let's score a win in GA and then March on Washington. You will like what I have for the Guest Worker opposition fight.

I just need you to be ready, willing, and able to deliver the message with us.

Stay Strong. Keep cool calm and collected. Eyes forward. Chin up and get ready to roll like a big dog!