Salesmen for police state?

February 7, 2006

Regarding Tom McKenna's comment in his January 30 letter on the need for the REAL ID in a post-9/11 world, "The real nightmare is that lax rules for issuing driver's licenses have put us at risk … " I respond: The real nightmare is that, thanks to the media and people like Tom McKenna, Americans still believe one of the never-ending lies from George W Bush, that 9/11 was perpetrated by 19 Arabs with false IDs. There is no evidence or record that Arabs ever boarded the planes, and much evidence to the contrary. Indeed, several of these suicidal hijackers have appeared on European television. And if, by some bizarre coincidence, 19 Arabs had managed to get on board with their false IDs, the idea that in all four cases, trained pilots and their co-pilots failed to alert ground control of a hijacking is beyond ludicrous.

The neocons pushing the REAL ID need salesmen to promote this costly, police-state absurdity. It looks like they have one in Montpelier.

Jim Hogue