Extremists Declare 'Open Season' on Immigrants: Hispanics Target of Incitement and Violence RULE The Violence: Growing Number of Assaults Extremists Declare 'Open Season' on Immigrants:

http://www.adl.org/main_Extremism/immig ... sHeading_4

Article states "Not surprisingly, white supremacists have not limited their actions to hateful or even violent rhetoric. The past several years have seen a growing number of violent assaults and attacks by white supremacists against legal and illegal Hispanic immigrants, as well as Hispanic American citizens. The crimes have ranged from vicious vandalism to brutal assaults and murders. In most cases, the perpetrators did not even know the victims, but targeted them solely because of their appearance."

"Many of these anti-immigrant extremists have switched their focus from the border to day laborer centers, where they photograph Hispanics whom they assume are illegal aliens. This racial profiling has also occurred at fast food restaurants and other businesses where Hispanics are employed across the United States. White supremacist and anti-government groups continue to express interest and take part in these activities, and their rhetoric has become more and more confrontational."
Not a mention of the crimes criminal illegal aliens have committed. Not a mention of illegals committing countless murders, rapes, burglaries, drug crimes. Oh no, that's just not politically correct.

The sad part is that the mainstream media is in collusion with the illegals.
If aggrieved American victims stepped forward who would care?