This is an example of why the Minutemen rallies are sucessful. All of us who attended yesterday's SDMM rally in Encintias. Had to understand the below rules. Of you course you will always have a few people join up who are unaware of the rules and become easy targets from the oppostion.

Upon arrival at the DLS, you must follow these simple rules until such time that you depart the area.

1. The purpose of our DLS “raids” is to deter illegal hirings by employers, both commercial and private parties. The goal is to reduce or eliminate any hirings by shaming the employers. Smile and wave to people passing by. Follow all instructions from the event organizer or other supervisors and security personnel. Any questions, ask!

2. Stay with our group. Use the buddy system at all times. Protect yourself from attacks from the opposition. Call for help if you are attacked. The ACLU will video tape you every chance they get. They use any questionable footage in their propaganda videos to discredit you and the Minutemen.

3. Keep a constant look out for employers pulling in to hire the workers. When you see a potential employer slowing down near the workers, walk over to the driver’s side and tell the employer it is illegal to hire illegals. Hand him one of our flyers. A second person with a camera should show the driver that he is being photographed.

4. If confronted by employers, protestors or legal observers, ignore them. NEVER engage in conversation with them unless instructed by a supervisor. Protect yourself if they approach you. Beware of sneak attacks with mace, bull horns, cameras, thrown objects, punches, etc. If attacked, press charges with the police immediately. Demand an arrest.

5. Do not speak to nor gesture to any suspected illegal aliens or day laborers. Never ask them if they are legal or have papers.

6. Abide by all federal, state, and local laws. Follow all instructions by law enforcement. Be courteous and professional at all times.

7. Respect the community, its residents, and all private businesses and property. Leave no trash. Make friends with the locals when possible. Recruit locals for future DLS operations.

8. Videotape all incidents and note times and places in case a report or legal action is taken.

9. Minutemen are not racist or violent. Any inappropriate behavior is grounds for dismissal and must be reported to a supervisor immediately.

10. No alcohol or drugs before or during protests.

11. Enjoy yourself! Stay positive and be proud. You are here taking action while your fellow Americans sit at home and complain! You are making a difference! Thank you for serving. Any complaints or suggestions, please see a supervisor or the event organizer.

Suggested Equipment: Patriotic clothing and hat, cell phone, protest sign and/or flag, flyers to give to employers, digital camera or camcorder, FRS radio, binoculars (optional), small bullhorn, mace, flashlight (for protection).