Published May 5, 2007

Secure our borders first

At this time the U.S. government is in the process of building a fence/wall in sections of Baghdad to separate the Shiites and Sunnis, even though many Iraqis do not want this wall.
This raises the question of "What has happened to the fence that was supposed to be built to protect our southern borders from the illegal invasion being experienced?" The answer, of course, is that our government does not want to secure our borders. The flood of illegals in this country is part of a plan by the "insiders." This along with the security and prosperity partnership, NAFTA, and the (for now) stalled FTAA are all programs designed to merge the United States into a North American Union. This North American Union will be along the lines of the European Union which is in fact a regional government.

You may ask where does this all lead to? In two words: "global governance." That's right! Eventually the European Union, the American Union and future African Union will merge into a global government under the United Nations. Sound far- fetched? Not really!

Take a look at all the entangling alliances the U.S. is already involved in. The World Trade Organization, NAFTA, GATT, NATO, the United Nations and the list goes on.

At this time the city of Kansas City has deeded land for a customs station for Mexico. This land is sovereign Mexican territory. Little Rock, Ark., has recently dedicated a Mexican consulate. Plans are also being implemented for a NAFTA superhighway tying Mexico, the U.S. and Canada with virtually no checks or balances as to what can be brought into our country.

Does it make sense that we fight a war thousands of miles away and don't secure our own borders? Let's stop these acts of treason unless you desire the end of the United Sates sovereignty, the Constitution and our God-given freedoms.

H.Con.Res.22 would express the sense of Congress to withdraw from NAFTA. H.Con. Res.40 would be against construction of the NAFTA super highway and H.R. 294 would eliminate "fast track" authority for the president to negotiate more entangling trade agreements. ... 9/OPINIONS