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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    We need to PLAN for 2010 NOW! We need good people IN!~

    What we see happening in Health Care Reform should have happened at SOME larger degree, with ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, as it has the same impact!

    The Democrats are playing the RACE card with the Latino vote, and pretty soone we will NOT BE ABLE TO RESIST an Obama. Our liberties are at stake with the Supreme Court.

    We need good candidtates NOW, we need to organize NOW.

    Tea-Party and Health Care are connected to the reaction to the THIRD WORLDIZATION, and noncomforming immigrants!!

    We need better OUTREACH. What can I do, what can YOU do? We need to be pro-active every DAY!!

  2. #2
    Senior Member 93camaro's Avatar
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    You want some of this?
    Its too bad most Americans are comfortable with the corruption, and Nannieism. The best thing you can do is to find and hunt out the candidates for 10 that share our values the best you can and offer to do what you can to help get the word out and get them elected. In this current climate TONS of NEW FRESH candidates are surfacing and we need to get behind the ones that will make a difference! start local, then move up!!
    Work Harder Millions on Welfare Depend on You!

  3. #3
    Senior Member tinybobidaho's Avatar
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    Here's some suggestions. We need to work as hard as we can with our state governments. Get to know who your state legislators are and find out everything you can about them. Google their names along with illegal immigration to find out their position. Your governor, too. Write to the ones who are open border pro amnesty and let them know how you feel. Call the ones who are against illegal immigration and ask if there are any bills pending on immigration enforcement for your state, and if not, ask them why, and tell them how you feel. Get involved with local groups even though they may carry many topics. You can find a way to work in illegal immigration. I'll post some information soon about what I have been doing in my state, and maybe it will be helpful.
    RIP TinybobIdaho -- May God smile upon you in his domain forevermore.

    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  4. #4
    Senior Member builditnow's Avatar
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    A Midwest State in North AmeXica
    Also remember some of our reps are okay. I keep track of my state's Congressional Reps voting records on illegal immigration on NumbersUSA's Congress Report Card page. Though I know there are many important issues to consider, ill imm is the top consideration for me.
    <div>Number*U.S. military*in S.Korea to protect their border with N.Korea: 28,000. Number*U.S. military*on 2000 mile*U.S. southern border to protect ourselves from*the war in our own backyard: 1,200 National Guard.</

  5. #5
    Senior Member Ratbstard's Avatar
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    New Alien City-(formerly New York City)
    The only hope I have for NYC is a national mandate to end sanctuary policies. This city and state do everything possible to accommodate IAs.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    If you are in a loosing state, a blue state, or NY or Ill, then you could help out in other states that might have a chance to change. Rand Paul is running, and there is an ANTI-MCCAin guy running in AZ!!! We need to really really help BOTH, as McCain will have a huge war chest and is incumbent! That would be some sweet candy, to get McCain out.

    Who is running against McNUT? Lets help him out NOW!!!!

  7. #7
    tired2's Avatar
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    I believe that the former leader of the MCDC is running against McCain.

  8. #8
    Senior Member tinybobidaho's Avatar
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    Just because your state is blue, it doesn't mean you give up on it and leave it that way. You have to work to change it. And you do that by joining, or organizing a local group with like minded people, and you get the bad actors voted out. This is what the opposition does, and that's why your state is blue in the first place. I'm now attending meetings with 2 Republican groups, and we talked about this very thing just yesterday. This is how you get people organized to get behind good candidates who can run against these jerks. The groups I go to are open to the public, so they are continually getting new members. And they only meet once a week, so it's easier on people who have a job.

    You can set up town hall meetings and invite your legislators from both sides to come and answer questions about illegal immigration. That's what we're doing here. If you're comfortable talking to people, ask to be a guest speaker and let the people know our side of this issue. I would rather be kicked in the hiney than to get up in front of people, but I do it, and to fully crowded rooms. I've been working with my Senator to get an employer enforcement bill passed that he's been trying to get voted on for the last 3 years. Now it looks like we have a chance of getting it passed this next session because we've stirred things up around here, but now we have to get the rest of the Idahoans behind it. My Senator has invited me to give speeches with him in town halls meetings around the state starting next month to inform as many people as possible. I can think of better things I'd rather do, but I don't feel like I have a choice. I have to do whatever it takes to get the illegals out of here and help put our citizens back to work. Because if I don't, my state is going to turn blue, too. We have to fight this at the state level, as well as the national level.

    The alternative to all this is, to let the media and the pro amnesty crowd keep telling only their side of this story, as these states fill up with more and more illegal aliens until we eventually lose our country. I don't see that we have a choice here.
    RIP TinybobIdaho -- May God smile upon you in his domain forevermore.

    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  9. #9
    Senior Member tinybobidaho's Avatar
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    This is one of the speeches I gave a couple of weeks ago to a Republican Pachyderm meeting.

    Thank you for having me, and I want to thank Senator Jorgenson for inviting me to speak.

    Like so many other people, I didn’t realize how serious a problem illegal immigration was in this country until I started looking into it. But once I did, it didn’t take me long to find out how very damaging it is to the health of our country.

    I belong to a national anti illegal immigration group called Alipac, which stands for Americans For Legal Immigration Political Action Committee. We not only have over 25,000 members, we have the largest archive of information on this issue on the internet.

    Let me tell you briefly what we do at Alipac. Alipac members work on a daily basis to stop illegal immigration, and to try get this government back to a sensible and productive immigration policy where welcoming newcomers can be a good thing again., both for our country and our citizens.

    We closely watch the kind of legislation being proposed on a federal level, as well as the state level in all 50 states. When legislation is being proposed, like giving legal status to the millions of illegal aliens in this country, ie.amnesty, or special tuition rates to illegal alien students called the Dream Act, Alipac sends out an alert to members. They then mass email, fax, and call members of Congress, or state legislators, whichever the case may be at the time.

    We have had many successes over the past few years. We have helped to stop amnesty twice in the Senate. We have also helped to stop the Dream Act several times, both on the federal level and in several states. We have also helped to stop, and in some cases reversed the policy of giving driver’s licenses to people who are not in this country legally.

    Illegal immigration is a heated topic in this country and there are a lot of arguments on both sides of this issue. But emotions do not solve problems, facts do. Here’s some of the facts.

    Employers argue that they need foreign workers for jobs Americans won‘t do. Personally, I believe Americans will do whatever job they have to, to feed their families. Americans won’t, however, work at the slave wages some companies pay illegal workers.

    Businesses use the excuse that they have to hire illegal aliens because we don’t have a guest worker program. This is just an argument that some businesses use so that they do not have to hire Americans at a decent wage. The fact is that we have 23 guest worker programs available right now, and here’s a few:

    We have permanent visas, or better known as the green Card.

    We have H-2A visas for temporary seasonal agricultural workers.

    We have H-2B visas for temporary non-agricultural which covers a broad range of employment. Spouses and unmarried children can come with the H2B Visa holders, on a separate H-4 visa. They don’t specify an age cutoff of the child, just that they have to be unmarried.

    We have H-1B visas for professional and specialty workers. We have H1B1 visas, E3 visas, H-1C visas , D-1 visas, and the list goes on and on.

    We allow over 2 million foreign nationals into this country legally every single year between the guest worker programs and approved applicants for green cards. We also have another 500,000-750,000 coming in across our borders illegally ever year.

    Here’s part of the problem. Foreign workers come here on visas but they don’t leave when their temporary job is done. They just move on to take another American job. In some cases, they come in to work in agriculture for a brief period of time, and as soon as they find out they can make more money in construction or service work, they change jobs. Even farmers admit they can’t keep these workers, so they are continually running out of labor. So, what this does is create a constant flow of cheap, foreign labor, both legal and illegal, coming into our country every single year who won‘t leave. That constantly builds the illegal alien population because we have no exit program to make sure these workers do leave.

    More than 14 million Americans are out of a job right now with a national unemployment rate of 9 1/2 % and rising. And that’s not counting the ones whose benefits have run out, or the ones who want to work but can’t find a job. Yet, this government keeps raising the cap on foreign visas for legal workers. In addition, this government is allowing over 7 million illegal aliens to hold jobs in this country in violation of federal law.

    This practice not only cheats Americans out of jobs, it drives the wages down. Wages tend to be higher when employers have to play by the rules, and wages tend to be higher when there are more jobs than there are workers. When you raise the wages, you raise the revenue, and the economy strengthens because people have more money to spend. Having too many foreign workers, however, decreases the revenue because they tend to send most of their money back to their home countries. I believe last year it was $29 billion going out of this country and into just Mexico alone. At least if they kept the money here, we could get paid back part of what they cost us each year in services.

    Idaho has an unemployment rate of 8.8 % now with over 60,000 Idahoans out of work. Yet we are allowing tens of thousands of illegal aliens to work in this state in violation of federal law. 15,000 illegal aliens alone work in our dairies.

    Contrary to what the open borders crowd tells you, there is evidence of some of those jobs that Americans WILL do. And it’s on a Colorado vegetable farm. From July to September 2008, 171 H2-A visa jobs were posted. 39 Americans applied for these positions. The very next quarter, in the final 3 months of 2008, 887 Americans applied for the 981 H-2A jobs available. When unemployment jumped at the beginning of this year, 1,799 Americans applied for the 726 jobs available. I think if we were to look around the country, we would find a lot more examples of people taking those jobs that Americans won’t do.

    If Congress would enforce the laws they passed, Americans would be put back to work. Attrition through enforcement works, and the proof of that is in the states that have stiff penalties for employing illegal workers. States like Mississippi, Utah, and Arizona have seen illegal aliens leave on their own because they couldn’t get employment. Unfortunately, they just migrate to states like Idaho where there are no penalties.

    I want to touch on an aspect of illegal immigration that you‘ll never hear from the mainstream media, and that’s the crimes committed by illegal aliens. We can’t often prevent the crimes committed by our own citizens, but crimes by illegal aliens are 100% preventable if this government would enforce our immigration laws.

    U. S. Representative Steve King puts the number of deaths caused by illegal aliens at approximately 25 a day, with a 50/50 split between violent crimes and drunk driving accidents. Now, I don’t know how accurate his study is, but I can tell you from the massive amount of articles I read from different news sources across this country every day, I don’t think he’s far off the mark.

    If the estimates are correct, we have lost more American lives right here in this country at the hands of illegal aliens, than we have in the Iraq War, 911 and all our natural disasters combined, yet you never hear a peep about this from the mainstream media, and certainly not from our government.

    There are stories about all of these deaths in Alipac’s archives. There are also sites available where these deaths are currently being compiled, and one in particular that you can view is V.O.I.A.C. which stands for Victims of Illegal Alien Crime. Another is the Victims of Illegal Alien Crime Memorial.

    These crimes have been committed all across this country, and the victims are children, mothers & fathers, grandparents, postal workers, and policemen, and the majority of these crimes were committed by people who say they just come here for work.

    Then there are the crimes committed against our children, even babies as young as 8 months old, and that’s the crimes of sexual assault. Many times these children are murdered afterwards. The ones who live have to spend the rest of their life remembering the horror of their ordeal.

    Dr. Deborah Shurman-Kauflin, an independent criminal profiler from the Violent Crimes Institute reports that there are currently 240,000 illegal alien sex offenders in this country. And there are 93 sex offenders and 12 serial sex offenders coming across our borders illegally every single day.

    Unfortunately, Idaho has not been left untouched by crimes committed by illegal aliens, either, and here’s a few.

    Natalie Marti’s husband and 5 month old daughter, were killed on Highway 84 by an illegal alien drunk driver who was driving the wrong way and hit the Marti family head on.

    Angie Leon from Nampa, was shot to death by her illegal alien husband.

    And Timothy Wolfe, who was just recently shot to death by an illegal alien right here in the downtown area.

    Unfortunately we will not see any improvement to secure this nation at the borders or the interior on the federal level, because what little enforcement we have is being gutted under this administration. Worksite raids have been stopped, and ICE has been ordered to go back to the catch and release policy. The 287(g) program has been stripped to only deporting the violent criminals who are already in our federal, state and local jails, and only current violent offenders are being apprehended. Illegal aliens who are caught committing minor crimes are now being released back out onto the streets instead of being deported, regardless of the fact that Americans may be at risk by future crimes committed by them.

    So, unfortunately the loss of American jobs and the crimes against our citizens will only increase unless the states step up to protect their citizens, and do the job the federal government has refused to do.

    I want to say this. The millions of illegal aliens in this country are not the responsibility of the citizens. But it is however, the responsibility of the State of Idaho to see that all jobs go to Americans first, and that we do all we can to make sure there isn’t another Timothy Wolfe, or Angie Leon murder, or another family destroyed by an illegal alien drunk driver.
    RIP TinybobIdaho -- May God smile upon you in his domain forevermore.

    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  10. #10
    Junior Member RoboTech's Avatar
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    One thing Californians can do is GET OUT AND VOTE in the CA Special Election next week, Sep 1. Because California Democrat Rep. Ellen Tauscher took a position in the Obama administration. Because of the unusual way election laws work in California, if the front running Democrat does not get 50% or more of the vote, there will be a runoff between that candidate, most likely liberal John Garamendi, and the top Republican candidate. If he gets 50% now, there won’t even be a run-off and he immediately goes to Washington to vote for everything Obama wants. Whether it’s Bunch or Harmer, either of them would be better than the leading Democrat, Garamendi. He has been a down-the-line liberal on everything, and was even a key member of the Clinton Administration in Washington. Garamendi doesn’t even live in the district!
    But it's useless if Conservatives sit on their asses and don't vote! The two Pugs are Chris Bunch and David Harmer. Either is waaaay better than Garamendi!
    CA Conservatives, get off you butts and vote on Sep 1!

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