Congress approved an 800-mile fence last year, remember? And it mandated that the Department of Homeland Security gain operational control of the border. Presidente Jorge Arbusto signed that bill. He has a constitutional duty to implement it and protect our borders. Mr. President, Build This Wall!!

And start enforcing our immigration laws again. The Social Security Administration knows exactly who’s here illegally, because they’re working with fake SSNs, and their employers have been filing taxes under those SSNs. The SSA should resume the practice of sending out letters to employers with list of fake SSNs from their employees. If those employers do nothing about it, the DHS needs to raid that plant. Mr. President, Enforce Those Laws!!

The Bush administration needs to start protecting America’s borders. Or the next 9/11 will leave blood on the hands of this president.

-- PoliPundit

At an average of Twenty-five Americans killed daily by illegal aliens, George Bush already has blood pouring from his hands!!

MR.PRESIDENT! Do your duty!!!