Hi, I'm a 37 year old mother and wife, native German, legal immigrant/resident of the USA, non-partisan, Florida resident.
My husband served during Desert Storm and then again as a Civilan Contractor during Iraqi Freedom from Day 1 for 14 straight months. We have one daugther, who learned the Pledge of Alligance from her German mother, we fly the Stars and Strips in our front yard, we are small business owners, we pay our taxes on time, we don't break the laws, not even a speeding ticket! My alligance is with the USA, not Germany.

I came back to the US in 2003, while my husband was working in Iraq. I have noticed a heavy increase in Hispanics in Central Florida. There are now more that twice as many little Hispanic stores selling Hispanic goods to Hispanics not speaking English. I'm all for legal immigration, I'm all for people coming to the US wanting to live the American Dream. When I see those stores though I can't help but wonder if they're not actually living the Mexican Dream inside of the USA. I can't help but wonder if their allegance is with the USA, which provides them with the freedom and opportunity to open their own business. I don't recall seeing a gas station owned by Indians that had Indian advertising signs or would sell goods important from India. Yet, we have a Citgo gas station that has Hispanic staff, Hispanic customers only, Hispanic advertising signs. All this leads me to believe the Hispanic goal is to take over the USA, illegal immigration or not.
I believe it's not enough to secure our borders, it's not enough to deport illegals, which isn't going to happen under the current President anyway. English needs to be recognized as America's official language, America's ONLY official language. Drivers license tests need to be taken in English, those that don't speak or understand English have to brush up on their skills and come back later. All products sold in the US need to be labeled in English only. All official forms need to be available in English only. All applicants for immigration should be tested for their English skills. If they lack the skills, they're denied entry until they pass the test. The display of flags of foreign nationality should be outlawed, unless for official purposes.
Millions of tax dollars could be saved and spent otherwise by eliminating the accomodations made for people not willing to speak English.
I didn't speak English 10 years ago either. Not a single word. It is absolutely possible for an adult to learn English even without the help of tutors or teachers. I find my English to be acceptable and I'm self taught. I also taught my daugther to speak English and since I homeschooled her during Kindergarten and most of 1st grade, I also taught her how to read and write - in English. Every Hispanic parent can do the same. The reason why they don't do it is because they don't want to, because they don't care about becoming part of our country, their heart doesn't beat for the USA. They are here as part of a slow invasion.
I'm sickened by this, it makes my blood boil. Many people tell me that we can't rob the Hispanics of their culture. I'm German and I live in a foreign country. Half of the meals I cook are German recipes, I bake German bread as well. I read German newspapers online, I run my household with Prussian discipline and I get watery eyes if I see European travel shows on PBS showing the Bavarian castles. I didn't give up my cultural heritage! I love Germany. But I don't fly the German flag, I don't demand to be spoken to in German only, I don't even speak German to my daugther. I live in the US now and I feel previleged to live the American Dream. This is my home now, this is where I will die and I will die for it if that's what it takes. I've tried to look at this from every angle and no matter how I turn it, I always come to the same conclusion. The Hispanic goal is invasion because they feel our land is rightfully theirs.

Are we at the verge of war?