Is Senator Lindsey Graham a Conservative Republican?

I am somewhat confused as to whether my Senator, Lindsey Graham is a conservative Republican or not. South Carolina’s largest newspaper, The State just endorsed him two days ago, partly for his role in trying to pass comprehensive immigration reform last year. The thing that I don’t understand is how can he call himself a conservative when he voted with the Democrats on most of the major bills that have come up in the Senate the last two years? He voted for amnesty and that was against the demands of 75% of conservative Republicans. He recently voted for the Wall Street bailout, again without listening to what his constituents wanted. He has made a habit of not listening to the voters because evidently he knows more that we do.

Senator Graham has a tendency to go his own way in the US Senate and to hell with what the citizens of South Carolina demand. The State newspaper (liberal) endorsed him over his Democratic opponent, saying that Bob Conley was to the right of Graham on amnesty for illegal aliens. How can that be? If Senator Graham is a conservative Republican, how can a Democrat be to the right of him? I have come to the conclusion that he is a liar and a Democrat in disguise. But he won’t change his affiliation because South Carolina is a conservative state.

I listened to his debate with Bob Conley two weeks ago and during it I realized something. Lindsey Graham, a conservative Republican came across as being a liberal Democrat and his opponent, Bob Conley was the real conservative, See here- ... 7694144064. Decide for yourself. As for me I have already decided, thanks to my liberal newspaper. They said that Democrat Bob Conley was to the right of Senator Graham so that is who I am going to vote for. If Bob Conley is going to defend my conservative beliefs better than my conservative senator then he is going to get my vote and Lindsey Graham can continue partying with John McCain, I want somebody in the Senate that will respect what I want as a South Carolinian without calling me names. I would rather have someone that stands for South Carolina instead of for illegal alien invaders and their criminal employers. And I must not forget the SC Chamber of Commerce.

As I see it, Lindsey Graham is a symptom of why the Republican party is crashing and burning today. The party has almost been destroyed the past few years. Millions of conservatives have abandoned it in search of greener pastures elsewhere because they are tired of a party that will not listen. Our Republican leaders, Graham included, have become an elite class much like royalty. The downfall of the conservative party is at hand and it is because of politicians that say they are Republicans but their actions say they are liberals. My party is becoming the minority because of politicians like Lindsey Graham. I am totally disgusted and fed up with him. I would not vote him to be a dogcatcher. The dogs deserve better just like the citizens of South Carolina deserve better. Senator Graham represents his own best interest which is lifetime tenure in the US Senate and the people of his state can look out for themselves.

These are the reasons that so-called Republicans like my senator should lose the election. They have compromised everything conservatives stood for and they have achieved almost nothing the last eight years except to drive us away from the party of Reagan. Lindsey Graham is a symptom of what is wrong, not what is right with my party. Millions of conservatives are totally disgusted with our leaders and next week hopefully a lot of them will be gone. Then we can make a fresh start with real conservative leaders and not the liberals we are forced to put up with now. Next week conservatives will send the second message to our politicians that we are displeased with them. The first was in 2006 and we were not listened to then. The roar will be much greater this time around. Loneprotester

Check out the two links below and decide for yourself if Lindsey Graham is a conservative Republican.

Republic Broadcasting

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