This is my e-mail to Senator Spector today. His site insists that you choose a subject and immigration ISN'T EVEN MENTIONED AS AN OPTION.

Hey, guys illegal immigration isn't an issue because it doesn't exist!!
so we can all resume whatever we were doing before this imaginary problem took hold of our immaginations.

SO I put it under LABOR and then chose OTHER to write in "illegal workers in Labor"

Next time I will choose "Racketeering"

Dear Senator Spector,

I would like to remind you that you are a public servant. The American people do not want an amnesty or a an amnesty disguised as a guestworker program. It has become obvious that Mr. Bush intends to cram this down our throats ANYWAY and that YOU intend to help him do it.

It is common knowledge that Mr. Bush has lost the support of the Republican grassroots. There is a movement amoung us disenfranchised Republicans to VOTE OUT EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN if this shamnesty is forced upon us.

I don't know how it will affect you to return to a Congress controlled by the Democrats, but you can be pretty sure that Mr. Bush will be brought up for impeachment hearings.

On February 14th, there was a demonstration in Philadelphia, which included hundreds of illegal aliens brazenly flaunting their illegal status in the streets of Philly. I would like to know why these people were not picked up and arrested for their illegal presence. The businesses that had to close down for lack of workers that day were admitting they hire illegals . Why were they not cited for that?

It is a travesty of justice when laws are purposely not enforced and then new laws are enacted to cover up the lawbreaking and make everything better and "legal" This is UNACCEPTABLE to the American People.