Senator Coburn on senate floor right now talking about the impact and numbers of this bill the finicial aspect of this Amnest bill watch! I watched Senator Coburn do my state of Okla. proud. He gave all the statistics and numbers of the astronomical cost of tis bill before Senate now, this comprehensive immigration bill is a farce. He finished by saying that by the year 2016 we would be spending 81 % of our total government spending on medicare, medicaid and social security benefits alone, leaving 19 % for other cost People this is total insanity! To be able to march on Washington on up to congress and to be able to turn my back to them drop my britches , bend over and show my arse and moon my Senate to show them the full extent of my disgust with them! That is what our Senate is doing right now showing their butt on the Senate floor! I know it is a childish thing I wish to do, you won"t believe this, I have dreamed of going there and doing this, I have to admit it was one of the most satisfying dreams I ever had! In my dream, people started joining me one at a time in showing my "respect" to my leaders even the capitol police were joining in the fun, first dream I ever had I ever woke up laughing!
Thank God not all the senators deserve this, way to go Okie Senator Colburn.