On June 28th, 2007, the Senate immigration bill was defeated on a cloture vote of 46-53. This win for our country was remarkable because it showed that the American people are watching Congress and they care about the future of their country.

Patriots like you flooded the Capitol switchboard, filled Congressional mailboxes, sent millions of emails to Congress. You cared enough about your country to fight for it—and you convinced the Senate to stop the amnesty bill.

We need your help again.

This week, possibly as early as tomorrow, House Democrats are trying to ram through legislation that will eliminate the existing requirement for proof of citizenship before someone can receive government healthcare services. Removing the proof of citizenship will provide healthcare coverage for illegal immigrants. This isn't emergency room services—but healthcare coverage for illegal immigrants on the taxpayer's dime.
How are House Democrats going to pay for all this? Massive tax increases on everyday Americans like you and me. Even with these tax increases, nonpartisan policy analysts expect this legislation to add $90 billion to the national debt.

Right now, take a moment to continue to fight for America's future – sign the petition at UpholdtheLaw.com – then, get your friends and family to do the same. Our representatives in Washington need to hear that this legislation is unacceptable to the American People.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi plans on bringing this legislation to the floor later this week, but the vote will be close – if we act quickly, together we can stop this bill from moving. Sign the petition, call your Congressman – help us spread the word about this terrible legislation.


P.S. House Democrats are planning on raising your taxes to expand healthcare coverage for illegal immigrants. Help stop them, by signing the petition and telling your friends to do the same.

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