The following was posted on another thread (about illegal neighbors)
Quote Originally Posted by JuniusJnr
I'm serious, Xianleather, take a photo and send it to your reps. Ask them if they want people like this in their neighborhood.
Junius you are so right! Some of us have done the brick thing already. All of us have done the faxes, emails, letters, phone calls. Time to send photos to our politicians.

Photos of rallies, car accidents involving illegals, neighborhood impact and almost anything you can think of that make a strong visual statement. I would comb through other sites and submit the photos that show what America has become. Maybe contrast it with "how it used to be". Photos of the illegals waving their fascist flags, of confrontations, of hate filled posters, etc.

A photo (easily printed with your printer) included with your letter, or even pasted into the letter itself, makes a more powerful statement. A personal photo of your neighborhood serves as a way to document your situation while asking for a response.

While not all of us can send bricks, most of us can send photos. We can even put text on the photos.