February 9th, 2009

Enforcement by Attrition: Lower taxes, lower crime, smaller class sizes, shorter emergency room lines, jobs for Americans, higher wages, etc

SB1160 SB1160, vehicle title; registration; legal presence (Supported by law enforcement


schools; data; noncitizen students (We ought to know the real number so we know the cost to the taxpayer)
SB1173 public housing; legal presence (No illegal alien should be allowed to have taxpayer subsidized housing - Prop.200 in ‘04 forbid it and was never enforced)

SB1175 illegal aliens; enforcement; trespassing. (Stop all sanctuary policies - remove handcuffs from law enforcement - Supported by law enforcement, Republican Party, and others)

SB1177 unauthorized aliens; employment; application; transporting (a good fix to the day labor problem)
SB1334 workers’ compensation; unauthorized aliens (simply cannot get paid if hurt on the job, the employer is responsible)
SB1335 unauthorized aliens; licensing ( an enhancement to the Employer Sanctions bill)

SB1337 driver license violations (Makes it a misdemeanor to not have a driver license; a law enforcement request and just puts it back to how it use to be, does not affect a person that has one, but does not have it on them)

“If it be asked, what is the most sacred duty and the greatest source of our security in a Republic? The answer would be an inviolable respect for the Constitution and Lawsâ€