Greetings Honorable Senator Lott:

I see that you require a significant amount of information to simply email you. Short of my SSN and birthdate, you want all my contact information. Fortunately, I AM an American citizen and you can trace/track me to the truthful information I provided. That is better then the H2C information that you will dubiously collect from foreign applicants if you vote to pass S. 1348. I am accountable.

I have read S. 1348 in its entirety now. Took me two weeks, as I am busy working a rotating shift at a job that "Americans won't do". That is why I am writing you at 3:22am EDT.

I see little or NO benefit to America from S. 1348. I especially dislike the parts that enforce equal workers compensation and prevaling wage to those illegal alien workers that will be admitted into our country for $5000.

What makes you think that they will all volunteer to pay the "fines" when there is a "hardship" provision to allow them to avoid that payment? I'll bet my posterior that the overwhelming majority will conduct "business as usual", not come forward, and not pay. But, OH THOSE LUCRATIVE WELFARE and EDUCATION BENEFITS. Man, you'll have many illegal alien "fence sitters" on that one.

Please do not support S. 1348. It is an abomination to me and my fellow Americans. Let President Bush reap the failure he has sown by not enforcing our immigration laws.

Verifiable American

P.S. What is wrong with your phone system? Please get it repaired so I may call you to give you my views.