Do you remember a time when a cold or the sniffles could be accounted for or traced to a common or logical element? Think back about oh, 8 to 12 years. Remember when you could say with certainty "I know where or how I caught that cold". Those days are gone. We don't know what we can catch now a days what with the "I or they just want to work excuse ." There used to be a a screening process for all new immigrants that applied to enter the United States as potentential new citizens. If that was a good practice back then what makes it not so good of an idea now? Come on people I got sick this past weekend and I'm not sure if I can say if it was the hamburger that I got from McDonalds, or if I touched a door knob or handle to open a public entrance way, all I know is I was sick as a dog with diarrhea and severe vomiting with a fever and the chills. In my distress I frantically searched the internet for a clue before I could get to the doctors office. Gastrointestinitis, Typhoid, Malaria, Salmonella and tubercolosis. That what I found my symptoms could possibly match. Those are Third world diseases we are facing going out on any given typical day. Someone has to take responsibility for all the illnesses that we are being exposed to all over again. Frankly, I don't want your filthy a@# diseases just because you want to come here illegally. You say "I just want to work" What happens if I get get sick and die because you just want to work. Will you support me and my family who has a right to be here? Will you take responsibility and say ok I brought that over here to the U.S with me when I broke the law coming here. I'll tell the others stay a way unless you're healthy? As far as I am concerned I have a fundamental obligation to all Americans to keep my self healthy and should I become ill, isolate myself so that I don't become a threat to the health of everyone else. who just so happen to also "Just want to work like everyone else". A desire to achieve is not a good enough reason to put everyone else in jeaprody. Sooner or later we are all going to pay the price with our health and our lives if an end is not put to this nonsense. This unchecked immigrants border crossing has to stop. We used to have one of the highest standards of living in the world. What are we going to do, die off from diseases we already have cures and treatment for because nobody gives a damn. I think we are sicker than we know.