We need to express our appreciation to him and to Rep King, Sen Sessions, Sen Kyle, Sen Cornyn, Rep Tancredo, Sen Ensign and all who still believe in this country and are willing to stand up and defend the American people from the traitorous likes of McCain, Kennedy, Hagle, Martinez, Spector (the jackass 5). I am a 24 year military veteran with combat experience. It is so disgusting to see an individual like McCain who is a former POW and Medal Of Honor winner dishonor everything he and those of us have fought to preserve, protect, and defend. He has trampled all over the Constitution, dishonoring that document, the medal he won, and his service to his country and that of all veterans as well. The jackass 5 have screwed all Americans by giving social security benefits to illegal aliens who use fraudulent ssn's, resulting in millions of Americans suffering the effects of identity fraud. They have opened the treasury to every illegal alien at the taxpayer's expense. Everytime Sen Ensign or another patriot tried to offer a counter amendment to protect Americans the jackass 5 voted it down. McCain, Kennedy, Hagle, Martinez and Specter are traitors, a disgrace to this country and are not fit to serve in the office that they have so blantantly betrayed. Never in my life have I have been so ashamed of this administration and senate who are as corrupt at the government in Mexico City they serve.