SHAMNESTY! Illegal Alien Amnesty Bill Fails Again
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Congress, bolstered by a Republican President without a brain has tried to shove down the throats of America idiotic immigration policies. Neither George Bush nor Congress give a damn about the consequences of the ongoing invasion of the United States from the south.

The outlaw nation of Mexico, for instance, is openly ushering millions of its impoverished citizens across our southern border and Bush is enthusiastically complicit in the plan. Mexico, as did Cuba with Jimmy Carter’s Marielito debacle wants to export its poverty, infirm, sick and criminal element - and Bush wants to import these uneducated and indigent to supply an endless stream of cheap manual labor for corporate America’s insatiable greed.

Mexicans and Central Americans, counter to the frivolous claims, are not coming here to take jobs “Americans won’t do.â€