on CNN's Anderson 360's special "24 hours on the Border" shown at 10pm central time this evening they ended the show by interviewing the Sheriff of Laredo TX.

The sheriff spoke of confiscating over $17 million in drugs last year as well as a massive amount of weapons including AK 47's and other automatic rifles.

The sheriff said he is afraid that illegal immigrants and drug cartels could assist arabic terrorist in crossing the border, and possibly bring "extra baggage" with them. He clarified that he meant dirty bombs or other wmd's.

He also emphasized that Washington has forgotten his town and the entire border and pointed out that drug dealers commonly cross into Laredo with their guns slinging. "It's like downtown Baghdad" he said of Nueva Laredo.

Nueva Laredo, which is just across the border from Laredo TX, has been riddled with nightly gunfights for the last three years and is a haven for illegals who want to cross into the USA, many of them criminals.

By the way naysayers who call border control enthusiast racist. Sheriff Flores or Laredo TX is of Hispanic decent.