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Should the president sign the 'No Match' law affecting employers of undocumented workers?
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Read about the proposed regulation here and add your comment to the question of the week.

12 comment(s)

Fed Up!!! wrote on Aug 24, 2007 2:20 PM:

" We need anything that will help to stop the flood of ILLEGAL ALIENS!!! If this law will help--even a little bit--it is definitely needed, and the sooner the better. When some of the classes in our local schools include 70% kids who cannot speak or understand English, it's beyond being just a "problem"--it's a "majuor crisis"!!! "

linda wrote on Aug 24, 2007 11:00 AM:

" Yes, yes, yes...why are we paying for illegals over and over again, while they rake in the money. I have neighbors with at least 15 field workers plus family all living in the same house.......each drives something, some are not registered, and all hog up the street. Try going to a park, any park for a party, no way.....try going to a laundramat, no way... "

Sandy wrote on Aug 23, 2007 8:46 PM:

" Deport, deport, deport and then deport some more. "

Sandy wrote on Aug 23, 2007 8:46 PM:

" They aren't undocumented workers. I'm so tired of that phrase. They are ILLEGAL ALIENS. They didn't lose their documents, they never had them - that is unless they're forged which is a distinct possiblity. People are so tired of the politically correct nonsense. "

kate wrote on Aug 23, 2007 6:35 PM:

" Do whatever it takes to clean things up. I say just enforce "Illegal Activity" and we wouldn't even have to be discussing this. "

Patrick wrote on Aug 23, 2007 5:04 PM:

" Of course! Let's bring back a strong Middle Class by providing our working citizens jobs that pay a living wage which in CA should be far more than $15 hour. As long as we allow illegals to set the rate of how 'menial' tasks are valued we'll never break out of this trend that has businesses demanding cheap labor despite the social impact. That might translate to higher prices but the market will take care of itself. Maybe the wealth can begin to be spread a little more evenly. "

Is this a trick question? wrote on Aug 23, 2007 11:06 AM:

" Of course President Bush should sign the "no match" bill immediately, effective immediately with immediate consequences if you are a) am employer who drags his feet or ignores the law or denies culpability if he is, indeed, aiding and abetting illegal alians and b) if you are an illegal who has or does not have a stolen SSN #. Who would disagree with this? We, citizens and work force of the United States of America, do not need imported labor. There is, right now, an out of work, unemployed workforce here in America. There are numerous ways and means for agriculture to gain unskilled workers temporarily or permanently using those who live here, are legal and able to work. There is NO VALID ARGUMENT AGAINST THIS BILL. And, while the gov. is at it, all laws pertaining to illegal entry into the US should be upheld and activated, utilized IMMEDIATELY to rid this country of the blight our elected leaders have allowed to take over the streets of America. NOW "

Norm Silver wrote on Aug 23, 2007 7:57 AM:

" The economy isn't dependednt on illegals doing the work. The industry has put up that argument for years and there is no proven basis for it. The truth is the US worker has been priced out of the labor market not by their actions but rather the actions of the industry. There is an available pool of farm labor available but the industry must be willing to pay the difference in hourly wages. "

Sure he should sign it, wrote on Aug 23, 2007 7:37 AM:

" current immigration laws are obviously not enforced. However, signing is only intended to appease his party and then we can have great noise and foot stamping and flag waving (from both sides) until the dust settles and everything returns to almost the way it is right now. I'd expect that labor contractors and their employers are figuring out how to massage that 90 day window (does it include weekends? holidays? holidays in other countries?) in order to cram in the most work hours before an illegal worker has to present a new set of No Matched credentials. In other words, don't look for a parking place in front of your home anytime soon! "

Exasperated wrote on Aug 23, 2007 7:10 AM:

" Why are we even debating whether a law should be followed and/or enforced? Just enforce the laws that are already there and quit wasting taxpayers' money! "

Kevin wrote on Aug 22, 2007 8:03 PM:

" Yes. This is a common sense law that should have been enforced years ago. Employers already are responsible to make sure that income and SS taxes are paid, this is no more onerous. "

Russ wrote on Aug 22, 2007 7:43 PM:

" What is the "No Match" law? " ... 048377.txt