I just don't trust politicians.

On this subject of illegal immigration, Tancredo, is the only one who has been speaking out for years.

You would think the rest of the government just found out about the subject and are suddenly jumping on the bandwagon.

The politicians are vulnerable, and they need to do something to keep the people happy - but not upset the applecart with their contributors - that's the employers, folks.

It just looks to me like the house passed a very strict - and sensible bill. I think, however, they knew it would be stripped by the Senate and I think they knew the Senate would add the guest worker program to it.

Call me cynical - but I think we are been treated to a game of charades.

If these people had wanted to do something, not just placate the voters, they would have done it long ago.

I think we need to vote them all out - except Tancredo. I mean everyone of them. Just think about it - we would be giving Tancredo instant seniority - maybe he could then get something done.

A recent poll said 90% of Americans had a very poor opinion of Congress - but when asked about 'their man', 90% thought their man was a great.

That is the problem.