Chambliss and Isakson seem to be bending over backward trying to get their angry constituents calmed down. He's even wanting us to watch his floor speech LOL. Georgia voters still remember him siding with that amnesty bill initially and he met with Pilgrim's Pride to push amnesty. We have not forgotten.

Here is a portion of the weekly email letter he sends out. At the very top of the letter is this:


Dear Friends:

This week the U.S. Senate will consider the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Reauthorization bill.

Last week the U.S. Senate passed the Homeland Security Appropriations Bill as well as the Higher Education Authorization Act. I voted in support of both bills.

Border Security

I am pleased the Senate voted in favor of an amendment to the Homeland Security Appropriations bill that Senator Isakson and I offered which calls on President Bush to submit an emergency supplemental spending bill to Congress to fund border security. We heard during the immigration debate that while we need to take steps toward immigration reform, the first thing we need to do is take action to secure the border. I am pleased to have the support of our colleagues on this urgent matter.

Click here to view the provisions included in our amendment.

Click here to read our recent letter to President Bush regarding a border security supplemental spending bill.

Additionally, I supported an amendment to the Homeland Security Appropriations bill offered by U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, and Mark Pryor, D-Arkansas, that would provide funding to immediately pay for some of the manpower and technology necessary to secure the U.S. border. This amendment is a step in the right direction, but the President still needs to send an emergency supplemental bill to Congress. To view the major provisions included in the Graham-Pryor amendment click here.

To watch my floor speech on border security, click here and select the July 25th link.