To those who are new LEGAL Citizens, welcome fellow Americans! You have done the right thing and waited and done the legal thing and are most welcome here. However, to those who have not done this....Shame on you, because... We would now see a different country and vastly different state after 10 years without any illegal aliens sneaking across our national borders. We would see...

Fewer diseases and epidemics, they bring many viruses and germs with them some of which we have largely eliminated or suppressed here, and re-introduce terrible sickness like Hepatitus of many types, drug-resistant Super-Tuberculosis and even Leprosy and Polio!

Far less crowded prisons, a huge percentage of criminals we must incarcerate and process at taxpayers expense, are undocumented aliens.

Many more hospital and medical emergency rooms ready to save citizens and taxpayer's lives. The burden of caring for millions of alien persons without documents who do not pay for the medical services they recieve, have caused many to simply close down. This is killing many legal citizens, dead.

Schools which can actully teach children, are not overcrowded and never have riots. Due to colossal numbers of border sneakers, who put their kids in taxpayer funded schools. We can no longer teach our children in public schools. They are learning nearly nothing compared to the 1950's and 1960's, despite huge increases in expenditure of money. This is largly due to the influx of non-native language speakers, and massive overcrowding. Have you seen our classes recently?

Far lower crime rates. Much of the crime of the last decade or so, has been the result of activity of immigrants who were not allowed by our laws and regulations to be here. They are seen everyday on news outlets being chased and caught by our police and other officials who could be doing other work but for the massive illegal hoards who break our laws without remorse.

Lower taxes. Aliens say they pay lots of taxes, but let's examine that claim more closely.. First, many work in the "underground economy" and are paid cash or otherwise unreported to the IRS. This is a fact. Those who are taxed, pay almost nothing in taxes due to earning very low wages, thus in the lowest tax bracket, and many have, or claim to have, many children as deductable dependents, etc... so the tax they finally, actually contribute and pay out as a net ammount, is negligable, nearly nothing, compared to most workers and what they cost the US citizen taxpayer.

Cleaner air, they drive older cars, and fail to maintian them to clean standards.

Less traffic on our streets.

More Radio/TV stations citizens can understand, in English.

Less cost on "un-insured motorists" for our car insurance. How many people do you know who have had a collision with an "un-doc" that has no insurance? What did that cost to the US Citizen?

Our hamburgers will cost .35 cents more, but will be mostly free of e-coli and hepatitus germs. A very good bargan. This cost is more than compensated by the saving in taxes it costs us to pay for all Illegal Alien services.

New farming technology. Without the cheap labor in the feilds, our engineers and high-tech company's would by now, develop automated machines which can harvest our crops faster, cheaper, and without shitting and pissing in the growing feilds where they work, and where our food grows and contaminating it with their feces and giving us e-coli bacteria and other awful things. Yes, they do that, don't kid yourselves. Why do you think e-coli has been found and made many people sick, so many times recently on our lettuce? Just a co-incidence?

Far more black citizens employed, they are heavily impacted by the flood of un-docs, black youth unemployment is very high, around 20 percent, and many of these fellow citizens could find work and dignity starting the ladder up the economy without the undercutting of the job market with near slave wages caused by the presence of a huge pool of low-skilled persons who should not be available to the employers who exploit them.

I could go on more, but you see how our state is impacted negativly by these border jumpers. Ask yourself a question, and answer it honestly. Do you lock your doors when you sleep at night or leave you place alone? If you do, you know why, you don't want people you haven't invited to come into your come-in and do whatever they want there. Am I correct? If you lock your door, you cannot say "they are here to better their lives", I could better my life if I could come into your home, stay there, and use the stuff you paid to obtain, will you allow that?

Our nation is our home, those who are invited legally to come here are welcome, others are not... it's disrespecful and wrong and illegal to break-in where you are not allowed to go... it's that simple.

I know most of these people are honest and hard-working, that's what most American Citizens are also, that's as it should be, all people should be this, it's a given. This is not a good argument for illegal-immigration. Simply by being here they are violating our nations rules, and they know it, and should be ashamed of themselves. To the extent that they are not ashamed, it is an indication of their disrespect for our nation, and ourselves. It is an insult to us, and we have every right to demand that they leave our nation until they learn to respect our laws.

Some of the UI's are from Asia, some from Eastern Europe, most are from south of our border. If they were mostly from Norway, I would equally be disturbed at this, those who claim "Racism" are simply wrong. They have no good arguments to use, so they call the oppostion racist, and this shows they are bankrupt of any argument for their position. It is obvious they are out of ammo when you hear "racist" declared during a discussion.

If you want our state to resemble a copy of Tujuana, and all the squalor, poverty and disease and crime of that town, just keep it up, ignore this invasion and you will get Mexico right here!

If you are a supporter of the invaders who are not invited to the United States, please refute and disprove EACH-ONE of the issues I have stated here. If you cannot do so, I have won the debate, and you must support deportation of all border-jumpers.