Northern California’s Friends of Hamas

When it's not hanging with terrorists, a Bay area organization is hosting events at American universities.
December 7, 2008 - by Reut Cohen

Academic departments at leading universities in Northern California, including UC Berkeley and Santa Clara University, have recently begun co-sponsoring events with South Bay Mobilization (SBM), a group associated with Hamas.

While South Bay Mobilization is not the only organization in the Bay Area that has ties to Hamas through the activities of some of its leaders and/or members, it has taken a leading role on university campuses throughout the Bay Area. Members of South Bay have had luncheons with Ismail Haniyeh, the head of Hamas, and have accepted medals from him in a highly propagandistic manner.

Members of South Bay Mobilization have also been linked to the Free Gaza Movement, which sailed to the Gaza Strip from Cyprus in August 2008. Therefore, South Bay Mobilization’s support for the Free Gaza Movement also constitutes support of Hamas and its aims, and is equivalent to an endorsement of terror, murder, and genocide.

The Free Gaza group had been invited to the Gaza Strip by Bassem Naim, the minister of youth and sport of the genocidal terrorist group Hamas. Naim had recently been denied entry into Europe because of his terrorist affiliation. Furthermore, Hamas is responsible for the murders of hundreds of innocent civilians. The Hamas Charter, somewhat similar to the PLO Charter, includes the following passages:

* “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.â€