This letter entered my inbox this week. It’s a good start as to why we must vote out most incumbents from Congress.

“oh mr. frosty, you are a lone voice crying out in the wilderness, and no one is listening. my brothers continue to stream into our beloved aztlan by the thousands every day, and your government does nothing. why? because deep down they understand that resistance is futile, and they realize the southwest rightfully belongs to the bronze descendants of the mighty aztecs. our women bear 5 children to every one born to whites. we have cowed your politicians into turning a blind eye to our invasion. they know that if they dare speak out they will no longer have a job. the reconquista is in full swing, and the beloved dream of aztlan is well within our grasp. would you deny that once more california belongs to us? our ancient language, nahuatl, is being taught in "illegal immigrant" charter schools funded by "your" own government. Ha! Ha! Ha! i'll bet that really gets your goat to know that your own tax dollars are being given to us to further our glorious reconquista. the white man has become weakened by guilt and decadence and that is why we must inevitably win. you have already lost "your" country, you just aren't smart enough to realize it. move to canada or back to europe, because the white man has no place in the coming bronze order. you fool! even "your" top law enforcement officer is one of us! why do you think "your" US justice department does nothing? viva mexico! viva aztlan!”

Sub-commandante pedro

MeCHA Brown Berets