Something to keep in mind as we are all guilty of falling into this trap. But the important think now is to wake up and remember to think for ourselves:

One of the simplest ways to control a population is by dividing that population into ideological camps.

Are you a Republican or a Democrat ?
What do Democrats believe?
What do Republicans believe?

Democrats claim to represent ordinary working Americans through government action.

Republicans claim to represent ordinary working Americans through business action.

Are all Republicans capitalists and conservatives?

Are all Democrats socialists and liberals?

Why have moral issues become the basis of the difference between the political parties?

Why have Americans allowed themselves to be ideologically divided?

The American Constitution does not give the federal governement the right to legislate morality!

Freedom and liberty are defeated if Americans are forced to return to a time when the government dictated the morality all 'subjects' were to adhere to and which idol to worship!

Have the enemies of liberty already succeeded by turning popular culture into the worship of the celebrity, a form of idol worship?

In a free society the individual makes the choice and is not forced by government to live in a certain way. Is this true in America today?
In a free society if you fall for the politically divisive rhetoric of those in power you have fallen under the social control of those who will stand up and ask for the resources to carry out their grandiose social plans based on their conceptual understanding of reality - which, is in many cases, critically flawed due to spiritual corruption.

The simple truth is that both parties are of and under the control of American aristocracy. They truly are just playing at ideological differences to divert the public's attention from the reality of aristocratic greed and unjust deeds.

Social control through fear and anger:

"I am watching television, reading newspapers and magazines and listening to radio, and all I get is fear 24/7. I wonder when we stopped being the home of the brave." - John Berger

American aristocracy does not want to reformulate the issues of existing political debate. Flunkies of the American aristocracy, with a desire to control their fellow man know that there are several ways in which to control a population.

One is to instill fear.
Watch out! YOU are the next terrorist target!

Most Americans have very little to fear from terrorists. If you happen to work in a monumental building that has become an icon or archetype of American wealth and ideology you may rightly fear terrorists.

The Twin Towers were just such as icon. Patriotic Americans mourn the slaughter of the innocent men and women that were ruthlessly murdered. Patriotic Americans rue the use of deaths of innocent men and women as a cynical tool to manipulate public opinion.

The crumpling of the Twin Towers ended an era of blind confidence for American aristocracy. For American aristocracy to claim that it was unexpected is patently ridiculous!

Ramzi Yousef, an Islamic terrorist, detonated 1,500 pounds of explosives in the underground garage of the North Tower of theTwin Towers. American structural engineers had allowed for enough redundancy in the structure to keep it from failing. Anyone that understands steel high rise structures understands that what is to be most feared in a steel structure is a fire. Although this is true there has never been a fire in a steel structure which has caused the entire structure to fail until the Twin Towers and the CIA building collapsed. Oddly enough even burning jet fuel with plenty of 'office' combustibles should not have burned hot enough to cause structural failure!

If you work in an American icon, Twin Towers, the Pentagon, the White House, the Capitol building, the Empire State building, any large government structure, you should consider the fact that the building in which you work may become a target. This fact alone is likely to instill fear. When working in an icon you are taking a risk, presumably you are well compensated.

If you use mass transit you are at risk. Hijackers may take control of the plane on which you are flying and fly it into a building. Taking the train is not necessarily safe as the multiple bombings of the commuter trains in Spain and London will attest. I'm sure that those that suffered from the sarin attack on the commuter train in Japan will attest to the fact that mass transit can be a target and what about those threats to the New York cityt subway.

If you do not work in a American icon and do not use mass transit you need not worry about terrorist attacks unless you happen to be downwind of a nuclear reactor or chemical manufacturing plant. Maybe you live near a oil refinery or near a liquified natural gas storage facilty. Did you know that North Korea has long range missles with, very possibly, nuclear warheads that can reach the Western coast of America? San Francisco? Los Angeles ?

Are you scared yet? Have I succeeded in instilling fear ? Perhaps you are not afraid, perhaps you are angry. Is what I speak against all patriotic Americans and therefore blasphemy ?

Good now, due to anger or fear, you will allow those that pretend to govern in the name of the average working American citizens to pass laws that will allow those that govern to control many more facets of your every day life and you will thank those that govern for protecting you. In the past this was termed 'a shake down' !

George Orwell's "1984" long ago recognized that it serves those in power to keep our attention focused on perceived threats. Many a social psychology experiment confirms the principle: A perceived enemy serves to quell dissent within any cultural or social group. Emotional fear and anger responses cause people to vote their "gut" feelings and abandon reason. Enlightened individuals will want to check their fears and angers against the facts and to resist those that serve American aristocracy purposes by cultivating a climate of fear.

When working Americans assume that politicians have their best interests in mind they are using faulty logic.

Of the three major terrorist actions to occur within the past few years in America two of them were perpetrated by former American soldiers.
The Oklahoma Federal building bomber, Timothy McVie fought in the Gulf War and was flunked out of being an American green beret. The sniper, John Mohammed, was trained as a sniper by the American military.
Other American soldiers turned terrorist bomber include Vietnam War veteran Raymond Luc Levasseur and Eric Robert Rudolph.

Possibly Dick Cheney's claim that democracies do not breed terrorists is incorrect. Ted Kaczynski who? Is it possible that we no longer live in a democracy?

We now live in an American aristocracy oligarchy or plutocracy.
However you feel about terrorism and however you feel about America it is almost a guarantee that the forgoing will cause you some agitation. Has it caused fear? Has it caused anger? If it has caused you to experience any emotion at all then it has been a successful ploy.

Why have you allowed your emotions to be manipulated ?
Have you become a mindless human robot?

Politicians that use fear to garner votes are evil men that pretend to care about citizens but actually do not!

"It appears that when George W. Bush says the "American is safer but not yet safe," he means to begin scaring us again. When we talk about security, we are actually making people question it. I am saddened that elections are now fear-based. Terrorism being used for political ends by our government against us is a kind of terrorism and constitutes psychologicalabuse. Americans must become fully aware of this and, as a society, reject this unethical, destrutive type of manipulation." - Robert E. Griffin

"Throwing around a potent word like "terrorism" only cheapens it. The federal Homeland Security Department's list of juicy terrorist targets is so broad and flawed that it includes the Amish Country Popcorn Factory, a petting zoo and a Mule Day parade among the vulnerable sites. Indiana - not California, not New York - was the state with the most terrorist targets (8,591). With the same lavishness, the George W. Bush administration is frenetically classifying documents as "secret", and even reclassifying information that had been public for years; "top secret" will cease to mean anything at all." - Patt Morrison

"The continual drama of disaster is anesthetizing. I am numb from the sheer number of warnings. I have heard the warnings, however valid, too many times." - Kathleen Clary Miller

Government officials claim they can not tell the truth about an existing situation as it could or would create panic. This is blatantly false as government officials from George W. Bush right on down to your local mayor use fear, anxiety and anger as a lever to justify their policies.
"By just giving Americans the good news and hiding the bad news, the George W. Bush administration undermines the bedrock of America. Give Americans all the news and let the citizens give their elected representatives an up-or-down vote." - Richard Dickinson

"Those who use fear to control others inevitably find themselves controlled by fear as well." - Dan Sewell Ward

Do not allow yourself to become a mindless human robot!