If Good Men refuse to yield
we'll sweep this rabble from the field
and foster back our sweet country
from those who have commited this affrontery
for remember that we are the Sons
of those who would go in minute One
so come on let's go, they're on the run
do some good, and have some fun.

The rabble I reference is Scofflaw americans

American folly

Watching Americas folly
enormous I say by golly
to wonder on our better virtue
round up scofflaws and set a curfew
I grew here in the color of Law
to this track, there are few flaws
at some point our Nation did turn
and our Freedom began to smolder and burn
we smelled the fumes and the smoke
and looked at one another, til somebody spoke
Wake UP! Make haste!! The Constitution is burning!
put out the fire, the oppressed they are yearning!
what a story, once told, repeat it again
every time freedom is usurped, is the when
looking upon our wealthy land
you wonder on the richest bands
where does their moral fealty lie?
with us, their money, from Nation pry?
join with all, I say, I TRY
to do some GOOD, before you die.

Rally around the LAW, the FLAG.
Be predjudiced towards your own Countrymen. Anyone who joins with us in the LAW is WELCOME!!!!!!

Extremism in Defense of Liberty, is NO VICE!!!