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LETTERS: Don't let Congress surrender to illegals

To the editor:

A few weeks ago, we were all concerned about whether protesters were flying a flag that was red, white and green or whether it was red, white and blue.

We should all be more concerned about the white flag of surrender our elected officials are flying. This bunch is busy talking in choreographed circles while making sure nothing gets done. They're more afraid of losing a future Latino vote than doing the right thing for this country and the voters who put them in office.

You don't have to deport 12 million people. Just start enforcing our current laws and stop waving the carrot that has them all wanting to come over. No more freebies without proof of citizenship.

The "guest worker" proposal is a joke. How many babies can a guest worker have in six years? Are we going to send them back at some point? I don't think so.

Illegals are way past doing the jobs Americans won't do. They've taken away most construction jobs because they'll do them for a lot less.

Pay attention to what your elected officials are proposing. This is not the time to sit on your hands and say, "Whatever happens, happens." Let your elected officials know that you're watching, and that if they don't vote your way, you'll vote them out.



No backbone

To the editor:

Las Vegas gaming executives are talking and acting like our representatives in Congress: no backbone, running scared.

If a worker does not show up for work today, they should be fired -- no if, ands or buts. Gaming officials wouldn't have second thoughts about firing one of their employees for a minor infraction, but a walkout for people breaking our laws? They aid their cause.

I will boycott any business that assists this protest for a illegal cause.

Milton Day


Open borders

To the editor:

Our military men and women are fighting and dying in Iraq and Afghanistan to help stop the threat of terrorism from spreading around the world and into our homeland again.

Yet our political leaders, illegal immigrants and many American citizens are supporting marches promoting open borders that let anyone from anywhere infiltrate our country.

If our military men and women are putting themselves in harm's way to protect us against terrorism, how can our politicians and millions of people support illegal immigration and open borders?

Look to the horizon, politicians, because one day soon you will be riding your elephants and donkeys on a one-way road out of town, and in your place will be a third party. We'll have a contest to name the new, ruling party -- in Spanish, of course.

Justine Matteis


Below radar

To the editor:

In his Wednesday letter to the editor, Barrett J. Short asked why there is no "outcry by legal immigrants against others who are trying to shortcut the process that legal immigrants worked hard at and took seriously."

I am helping my wife become a legal resident, so I can answer that: They can't!

It seems like going through the legal immigration process puts you in the same category as a terrorist. If you say or do anything that looks anti-American or questions the government, they will boot your butt back across the border. The process is humiliating and agonizing. The questions and the overall treatment are sickening. They really don't want you to be a productive member of society, pay taxes and hold down a job.

It's bad enough that my wife speaks English and is white. Right there, she has two strikes against her.

Remember, illegals are lawbreakers, and like any other criminal, they are afforded more rights and protections than you or I. The way we treat illegals proves the point even further. They can protest in front of the INS office without fear.

Protest or speak out? Legal immigrants? No way! The legals are trying to keep themselves below radar and out of trouble.

Mark Anthony


It's about illegals

To the editor:

Today has become known as "A Day Without Immigrants." How did this somehow become the issue? The issue at hand is illegal immigrants.

Are there forces out there that want to divide Americans even more? I would have to say yes.

Greg Lanstyak



To the editor:

I am calling for a boycott. I'm not talking about the boycott that illegal immigrants and bleeding hearts plan to hold today. I'm talking about middle class America calling a boycott on any business that closes down for the day because its staff is out flying the Mexican flag in the streets.

It is time for the American citizens who are getting the short end of the stick to stand up and take our country back. How can anyone say in one breath how much they love this country and turn around the next breath and try to "shut it down"?

Looks like Nevada's stellar unemployment rate will soon be growing.

Craig Duke