Health Care Bill Outlaws Private Insurance, Benefits Illegal Immigrants

Increase Grassroots Pressure on Congress to Defeat ObamaCare!

Your representatives need to hear from you this week as the liberal Majority continues to plow ahead with their rush to "reform" health care on Capitol Hill! The legislation is hitting a few road blocks along the way, including written opposition from 40 Blue Dog (conservative) House Democrats and 22 additional Democrats.

Last week, the House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pension (HELP) Committee voted on and approved their respective health care bills - that is, President Obama's proposed legislation for a government takeover of the American health care system.

Although the Senate bill, sponsored by Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) has not yet been released for the public to read, the House bill, misleadingly named the America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 (H.R. 3200) is a whopping 1,018 pages long which will cost an estimated $1.5 trillion and is projected to force 114 million of Americans to lose their current health insurance, despite repeated promises by President Obama to the contrary.

The proposed health care bills, in their current form, aim to accomplish the following:
Outlaw private individual health coverage. On page 16 of H.R. 3200, in section 102 entitled Protecting the Choice to Keep Current Coverage, the bill clearly states, "the individual health insurance issuer offering such coverage does not enroll any individual in such coverage if the first effective date of coverage is on or after the first day" of the year the bill becomes law. As verified by the House Ways and Means Committee last week, this provision means that this health care bill itself will kill the market for private individual coverage by not allowing any new policies to be written after the public option becomes law.

Mandate taxpayer funding of abortion on a massive scale. H.R. 3200 authorizes a new appointed committee to recommend minimum benefits that all heath insurers would be required to offer in their plans. Unless the abortion procedure is explicitly excluded, abortions will be covered by national health care, forcing American taxpayers to pay for hundreds of thousands of abortions each year. 19 pro-life Democrats sent a letter to Nancy Pelosi stating their opposition to abortion being covered by a public plan: "We cannot support any health-care-reform proposal unless it explicitly excludes abortion from the scope of any government-defined or subsidized health-insurance plan."

Expand Medicaid and exempt illegal aliens from mandates. Approximately 15-22 percent of the 46 million residents in the U.S. without health coverage are illegal aliens. The current Senate bill expands Medicaid and loosens tax credit eligibility requirements, which will be a magnet for illegal enrollment and fraud. Even worse, illegal aliens are exempted from the mandate to buy health insurance, which means that lawful Americans will have to pay a fine for not purchasing insurance, but illegals will be off the hook. Thus, they have no reason to buy their own coverage or stop receiving taxpayer-funded health services at clinics, emergency rooms, etc.

Punish success and destroy jobs. The House bill imposes a 5.4 percent surtax on incomes over $280,000, which is a crushing blow to small businesses, which create most jobs. In addition, Democrats have proposed more than $800 billion in new tax hikes, and according to Obama's own economic advisors, the business tax hikes alone will destroy up to 4.7 million (more) jobs. Back in 1989, Larry Summers stated, "There is no sense in which benefits will become 'free' just because the government mandates that employers offer them to [they] are likely to create unemployment."

Create health care bureaucracy to ration care. The Democrats' health care bill amounts to an even more massive expansion of federal power over Americans' lives. The bill creates multiple new bureaucracies to be filled with unelected, President Obama-appointed staff. The Comparative Effectiveness Research Commission and the Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research are the most worrisome of the new boards, which are designed to oversee the rationing of care and have the authority to intervene and prohibit a patient from receiving a particular health service on the basis that it is not "cost effective." This means that the government is more likely to deny an elderly person a service than a younger person, because the younger person will benefit a greater number of years from the medical treatment than the elderly person.
The Obama Administration and the liberal Congress' health care plan can be defeated with your help! Even Obama himself is reportedly not convinced that this health care bill will inevitably pass Congress. According to The Washington Post, Obama and his advisors have been routinely reminding lawmakers in closed-door meetings that the defeat of President Clinton's health care overhaul (also known as Hillary Care) spelled electoral disaster for Democrats back in 1994. The future of President Obama's entire agenda depends on the outcome of this health care bill which can and must be defeated!

Take Action!

Please begin calling your representative and Senators' offices to urge them to oppose government-run health care! High priority targets for House action are the 51 Blue Dog Democrats and high priority targets for Senate action are "red state" and "swing state" Democrats (listed below), with whom the success or failure of the health care bill rests.

Alaska: Mark Begich
Arkansas: Blanche Lincoln, Mark Pryor
Colorado: Michael Bennet, Mark Udall
Florida: Bill Nelson
Indiana: Evan Bayh
Iowa: Tom Harkin
Louisiana: Mary Landrieu
Missouri: Claire McCaskill
Montana: Max Baucus, Jon Tester
Nebraska: Ben Nelson
North Dakota: Kent Conrad, Byron Dorgan
Nevada: Harry Reid
New Hampshire: Jeanne Shaheen
New Mexico: Jeff Bingaman, Tom Udall
North Carolina: Kay Hagan
Ohio: Sherrod Brown
Pennsylvania: Bob Casey, Arlen Specter
South Dakota: Tim Johnson
Virginia: Mark Warner, Jim Webb
West Virginia: Robert Byrd, Jay Rockefeller

Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121


Further Reading:
Health Bill Might Direct Tax Money to Abortion, by Robert Pear and Adam Liptak, 7-19-09

Obama's Health Care Plan Can Be Defeated, by Phyllis Schlafly, 7-17-09
Importing the Uninsured, by James R. Edwards, Jr., 7-15-09

It's Not an Option, Investors Business Daily, 7-15-09 ... d=13764501