Did anyone catch the Al Rantel program last nite? Very, very interesting!!!

Al had some callers who were in the construction business and openly admitted that they hired illegals BUT they had some very harsh and eye-opening comments as to why illegals are NOT what they are cracked up to be! Contrary to popular opinion, they are NOT that hard working and they are NOT that reliable.

Some of the comments:

They only like to work 2-3 days/week and they don't like to work full days...they want to quit around 2:00 in the afternoon. They are completely unreliable and do not want to work on a permanent basis for any employer. They are extremely hard working and cooperative for the first day or two but they often turn on their employers and demand more money on day three!

The day laborers usually live in deplorable conditions and drinking beer is their escape or more appropriately...their excuse! They don't want to work all day because they want to start the drinking and partying with their fellow illegals. And of course they start their beer drinking as soon as they get in their trucks!

Every single one of the callers said the illegals were more trouble than they were worth! One of the callers even got out of the construction business because he couldn't rely on the illegals to show up and he couldn't hire Americans because he was constantly being under-bid.

This is very revealing and something that needs to be investigated. It doesn't sound like these are Bush's "HARD WORKING" people who are just doing jobs Americans won't do! Our streets are littered with millions of illiterate, itinerant, transient third worlders who think nothing about killing our citizens on our highways, raping our women, and destroying our culture and our American way of life.

If they get amnesty they will be able to travel back and forth to Mexico with impugnity. They conceivably could work a few days a month here, take our money and live like kings in Mexico, build a nice little house in Mexico, come back, make some more money, collect SS, welfare, food stamps, pay no taxes, keep their anchor babies in our schools, go home ....etc. etc. And when they have all their ducks in order, they can retire on the Social Security they will receive ...in the homeland they love so much, Mexico...and the US will be bankrupt - wondering how this could have happened!