I get so tired of hearing about how the illegal, (I just call 'em like I see 'em), immigrants rant and rave about their power and what a valuable asset they are to our communities. You may ask yourself, 'What Can I do?'

What I'm doing?, if I need home repairs done, when the contractor shows up the first question I ask is if he's using undocumented workers, if he admits or I assume that he is, I don't give him my business. If I go into the supermarket or any retail establishment, and the person at the cashier or other employees I notice, look to me to be in question as to their work status, I won't let them wait on me, I may even take my business elsewhere. I no longer patronize Mexican restaurants, and I love Mexican food. When I drive by jobsites that appear to me to be taking advantage of undocumented workers, I blow my horn and when they look up I give them a big 'thumbs down. I no longer attempt to communicate in any other language than that of MY country, ENGLISH. No Comprende?,...Too Bad.